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economic reflection meaning

To make it easier, I can say that we have two main classes; students who pay tuition and students who come on a scholarship. See more. Reflections on the Economics of Climate Change William D. Nordhaus A ... economic systems, and the most efficient ways of alleviating or removing the dangers. A. Americans last enjoyed a prolonged period of low unemployment in the 1950s, with current unemployment reaching a level not seen since 1968. Those people are students who graduated from universities with high GPAs by their own effort not with the help of private universities which is entered with money. This group thinks that these graduates can be the best performers in their work positions only because of their grades and that they will be the best role models for the other employees so, other employees who are working under them would simply conform to every order they ask for. Chris Mays, “refiguring college English studies” by http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:KV6Y_ak5zm8J:www.case.edu/artsci/engl/emmons/writing/journals/Mays_RhetoricsPoetics.pdf+james+berlin+signifying+practice&hl=en&gl=eg&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESi7NvANHhwWJdR7vv8ZmhFYNFZY7ZYPxNhFQooxd8u4bTxsL-Hn7o1DJSuMjbGLsY2zf-f2d5Xlc4FcDMEkfta3vzhJ_104d7TV-phFeNBSLgppyKRWhP1Uv_LdBZyjzM-xY0ME&sig=AHIEtbQYCj5QUcEX3TUcx2-3zao5rjXLLQ, Lester Faigley, “fragments of rationality”, http://books.google.com.eg/books?id=2SC8Qj1n6QYC&pg=PA23&lpg=PA23&dq=the+production+of+a+student+subject+is+a+chief+outcome+for+a+course+in+composition&source=bl&ots=dZpPLuvlow&sig=xutV-VqS_r5PVqJDVgSZHT-2Zr8&hl=en&ei=9UzfS_TaAsmO_Aa0p7X_Bg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CAgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=the%20production%20of%20a%20student%20subject&f=false, Amar Ali Hassan, “restrain and corrupt universities”, http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/opinion/restrained-and-corrupt-universities, Austin Cline, “The Economics of Society and Religion”, http://atheism.about.com/od/philosophyofreligion/a/marx_3.htm, ERIK ECKHOLM, “Higher Education Gap May Slow Economic Mobility” February 20, 2008, http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/20/us/20mobility.html?_r=1, http://www.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=VqrpCX1k4XoC&oi=fnd&pg=PR8&dq=social+class+higher+education&ots=h2OyaME3iK&sig=a5D8JXwmsWoTloYfOVaDO-0MpA0#v=onepage&q&f=false. How will the man from the working class react to orders that he is sure they are wrong? Moreover, James Berlin argues that college rhetorical curriculum should not only guide learners through their future careers, but also help them become active members of political change and social (Mays 1). These resources can cover imported products, technology, and even human labor. Reflection Essay On Economics Prior to taking this course, I believed that economic theory consisted mainly of supply and demand. Reflective essay writing, as its name suggests, entails focusing on reflection, consideration, etc. Some of the most compelling topics that I learned in this topic only came into focus at the end of the course. Reflation is the act of stimulating the economy by increasing the money supply or by reducing taxes, seeking to bring the economy (specifically price level) back up to the long-term trend, following a dip in the business cycle. Policies may include reducing interest rates, lowering taxes, investing in large infrastructure projects, and changing the money supply. These reasons might not qualify the hard working student to work in a high position despite the fact that he was one of the best learners in his school. I bet that it is becoming very confusing and difficult to find a clear answer to the premise question because we can accept neither the functional/practical nor the human/personal only. Definition of economics. A Reflection on the Study of Economics. Definition: A shift in the structure of an economic system. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. Economics is a very large and complex study and reflecting on this subject, piece by piece, requires some patience and ability to put the pieces together. I am not asking low and high economic class to be friend or to even pretend to be because we all know that they will never be. Economists use models as the primary tool for explaining or making predictions about economic issues and problems. In this installment, we explore how the crisis is shaping our values. We can’t also accept the human/personal point of view because in that way we will still be having an education inequality like in that of the Middle Ages when education was only for students from rich families. So, I can simply conclude that the more money one has the more power that goes along (Drake 1). What does it mean for me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class? U.S. employers added a … Great Depression, worldwide economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939.It was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world, sparking fundamental changes in economic institutions, macroeconomic policy, and economic theory. Will he conform to orders to save himself from getting fired or will he follow his beliefs and resist because he knows that what he is doing is the right thing? | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In that way we will be limiting the good education only to families who have money. Yet, if he was asked from a concierge, he wouldn’t listen. 2 : the production of an image by or as if by a mirror. There is a big difference between social class and economic class: social classes are the hierarchical arrangements of people in society or as in the social sciences, it can be best defined ‘social stratification‘. It even makes a bigger problem when there is one of the working class who can fit perfectly in this business and at the same time working under a boss that is running his father’s business and not that good in managing the company. However, I have found that the combination between the functional/practical extreme and the human/personal extreme is the way to find a fairly good answer to the premise question. This and the two previous essays had a lot of significance to me because it allowed me see things although in front of my eyes, they were hidden. Section III: Arguing an answer from the extreme of human/personal. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. However, all students should be given equal opportunities to learn and enter universities but there is something that has to be changed within ourselves; how we look at professions like a plumber or a carpenter. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKEssays.com. Definition of reflection. See more. In microeconomics, economic efficiency is used about production. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. I believe that economic class has long been a central theme within higher education and that is why I am going to argue this issue in my essay. The notion implies the possibility of a market where value is not lost due to extra surplus, waste, unmet demand, or improper allocatio… Common examples include the reflection of light, sound and water waves.The law of reflection says that for specular reflection the angle at which the wave is incident on the surface equals the angle at which it is reflected. Although it is a non profitable organization, AUC is a very successful university because of the huge amount of money that students pay and after the tuitions were raised some students thought it was so that the university can afford paying for the scholarship students. Therefore, everyone should peruse the career that he loves the career that he thinks he can make a change in and be creative. However, what if these students are not qualified to run such a business not because of their educational background or grades but because of what they are. b : economic theory, principles, or practices sound economics. Everybody wants to have power, to be noticed and get the attention of the others; that’s exactly what the higher economic class student in the AUC and his parents are thinking of. Land reform, a purposive change in the way in which agricultural land is held or owned, the methods of cultivation that are employed, or the relation of agriculture to the rest of the economy. Functional/practical section 2. of reflection papers on key topics that will define the coming years. VAT Registration No: 842417633. It might take longer time to prove its success but when the goal is reached, it can never be imagined. On the other hand, economic class means how much money one has. Corporate profits reached impressive heights, especially in the technology sector. The New Possible is a series of human stories and perspectives on how COVID-19 is challenging and changing our lives and livelihoods. Reflection definition: A reflection is an image that you can see in a mirror or in glass or water. These major writing assignments may not change ethics about cheating, beliefs regarding gender or my vision towards people from lower class. Reference this. Many allied countries would supply resources to each other that the other countries do not have. In this way they will be decreasing the number of students leading to better education for hard workers. Every future economic transformation pales by comparison. Students with super powers like the genies boy that we have here in AUC or even learners with high grades should be noticed from the elementary school then indicate their part of power then work on with them to improve it. In other words, AUC is quite exclusive to economic position. As long as we look to these professions as a despicable job, students won’t be interested in any of them leaving free spaces in these jobs. The relationships between simple choices, such as supply and demand, drives all … Let’s take two students equal in academic abilities but not in economic classes; one has more money than the other. *You can also browse our support articles here >, http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:KV6Y_ak5zm8J:www.case.edu/artsci/engl/emmons/writing/journals/Mays_RhetoricsPoetics.pdf+james+berlin+signifying+practice&hl=en&gl=eg&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESi7NvANHhwWJdR7vv8ZmhFYNFZY7ZYPxNhFQooxd8u4bTxsL-Hn7o1DJSuMjbGLsY2zf-f2d5Xlc4FcDMEkfta3vzhJ_104d7TV-phFeNBSLgppyKRWhP1Uv_LdBZyjzM-xY0ME&sig=AHIEtbQYCj5QUcEX3TUcx2-3zao5rjXLLQ. Looking for a flexible role? ... meaning the ‘blue wave’ of 2018 did not repeat itself. With rising prices, employment, output and income also increase till the economy reaches the level of full employment. Not all students can become doctors only because they earn a lot of money. You can view samples of our professional work here. Globalization, driven by new technologies and economic expansion, is underway with both positive and negative impacts. Which I guess is not a simple task because this question relates to many perspectives such as academic, social, ethnic, cultural conditions and forces. For example, an economist might try to explain what caused the Great Recession in 2008, or she might try to predict how a personal income tax cut would affect automobile purchases. 470 Words2 Pages. We should all be given equal chances to learn. Socioeconomics (also known as social economics) is the social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped by social processes. This is a form of essay writing in which you put down your thoughts. However, God created us humans with different abilities and whether we like it or not, we have to accept it. The elite students think that AUC is not a place that can fit both economic classes because that shakes their image towards outsiders who though that AUC had only the rich students. This concept of economic efficiency is relevant only when the quality of manufactured goods remains unchanged. Mean temperature is chosen because it is a useful index of climate change that is highly correlated with or. They don’t say the true reason behind this hatred but I guess there are two very obvious reasons: the first is some are jealous of the fact that these students are better academically. Reflection is the change in direction of a wavefront at an interface between two different media so that the wavefront returns into the medium from which it originated. Company Registration No: 4964706. 1 : an instance of reflecting especially : the return of light or sound waves from a surface. Some students may underestimate the significance of arguing an answer to such a question because they haven’t heard about what Lester Faigley wrote in Fragments of Rationality that the modeling of subjects is not as much related to being a good writer or having good sources as from the effects of experiencing the effects of what one writes about (Faigley 23). The group supporting this section would think rationally about the question. However, I found a much simpler view; when a small company’s owner or even a manager of a company, whatever it is, orders another employee who gets less salary than him to do a certain job, the employee is to finish the job without questioning his manager. We can’t think like that because doctors or any other job that makes money can’t replace the entire exciting jobs. A reflection paper refers to one where the student expresses their thoughts and sentiments about specific issues. Since I am talking about the higher education and how it relates to economic class, I will give a brief example on how both are related to each others. Reforms such as these may be proclaimed by a government, by interested groups, or by revolution. In political philosophy and sociology, the most basic difference among economic classes is between the powerful and the powerless. The low economic class student has limited options because he can’t afford private universities fees and even if he can, he will still be thinking about how he is going to live among students from higher class, on the other hand, the high economic class student gets more options in too many different universities and can graduate as a doctor if he wants. Both the ideas suggest that we should study our culture leading us to think about our main question “what does it mean to me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class?” Hence, I am going to argue this question via three different points of view: 1. It may be a template on one’s opinions on facts, events, controversy et al. We wouldn’t be considering many other things such as a student who was sick at the day of the exam or another who is not good at a certain subject that lowered his GPA, those who don’t perform well in the test environment and many other reasons. The second issue that this group will address is the supply of employees in high positions (Clotfelter 2). The I appreciate that everyone has a dream he wants to reach and that some parents are forcing pressure on their children to make them become a doctor or an engineer without taking into consideration their abilities or what they like. Therefore, lots of students from the low class don’t enter universities because they either feel disappointed about it or go directly to work because he thinks about earning money. Reflect definition, to cast back (light, heat, sound, etc.) If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Part 1. Students cheat to reach a better economic class and what motivated them to cheat is the corrupt business that was the reason for the discrimination. What does it mean? While this is a significant component of economics (Acemoglu, et al., 2017), there is much more to the topic than my original simple understanding: as supply goes up, prices go down, as demand goes up, prices go up. That is why we can’t accept either. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Some other people when put in the real situation, they appreciate and act. There is a big difference between social class and economic class: social classes are the hierarchical arrangements of people in society or as in the social sciences, it can be best defined ‘social stratification‘. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. So, what if there is, let’s say, one student from the lower class who might be in the future Ahmed Zowail or Farouk El Baz. This distinction is predicated on a theory of economic growth where there is long-term growth in the economy and price level, which is widely accepted in economics. 2 : economic aspect or significance … Having critical writing and thinking skills help with the development of a reflection … When I first read this, I remembered the early theory of Karl Marx who saw human beings interested more in material concerns rather than grand ideas which created a separation of effort and a division of classes depending on wealth and power (Cline 3). This can possibly be achieved by methods that include reducing tax, changing the money supply, or even adjusting interest rates. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Human/personal section 3. The functional/practical student is always thinking about studying hard in order to succeed and get high grades to find a good job whereby he can change his economic class to the better. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Economic change exists when market forces create a change so massive that it affects just about everything. As a result, this group would says that higher education should be only for students who get high grades because these are the kind of scholars who will be able to cope with the tough system of higher education, appreciate the true meaning of being educated and do much more effort than that of others. b : a reflected part : fold. Regarding the second point that was argued; it has been proven that students’ GPAs can’t be considered the only meter when it comes to the working field (Smith 2). Education These principles are drawn directly from Catholic teaching on economic life. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. One of the most efficient reasons is the very high demand on Egyptian collages every year which helps corruptors to hide their actions (Hassan). The purpose of this section is to argue a functional/practical answer to the premise question, what does it mean for me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class? No plagiarism, guaranteed! Reflation is the act of stimulating the economy by increasing the money supply or by reducing taxes, seeking to bring the economy (specifically price level) back up to the long-term trend, following a dip in the business cycle. In any given month before the outbreak, the 35-year-old healthcare-benefits adviser might make a four-hour drive for a one-hour client … It is the opposite of disinflation, which seeks to return the economy back down to the long-term trend. Economic trends throughout 2018 suggested a robust economy. They should also understand that even if they gained money and power, they won’t gain people’s respect because they know that this authority is not self-made. Its power lies in being able to help you develop your understanding of the way you learn, the subjects you are studying and to define your longer-term goals. It is quite a flexible form of writing, but there are some general rules that you should stick to. We urge Catholics to use the following ethical framework for economic life as principles for reflection, criteria for judgment and directions for action. The employment numbers published Friday, December 6th was an effective synopsis of the past year of economic growth. During a downturn, property prices fall, joblessness rises, borrowing falls, and companies invest less. Students, who pay fees, kind of disdain others who don’t. Only eleven percent of the kids from poor families graduate from collages and less than nineteen percent of the eleven percent have the chance to be among the high class (Eckholm 1). Definition and meaning Reflation is a monetary or fiscal policy by the government and central bank respectively to boost demand and thus increase the level of economic activity and combat deflation. Section IV: A Synthesis of Oppositional Extremes. The purpose for this section is to argue a human/personal answer to the question, what does it mean for me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class? All work is written to order. This is because the elimination of trade barriers is giving firms access to a pool of cheap labor in countries such as: China and India. Reflective Essay. Functional and human section. For example, if inflation had been running at a 3% rate, but for one year it falls to 0%, the following year would need 6% inflation (actually 6.09% due to compounding) to catch back up to the long-term trend. Both got fairly good grade in high school let’s say a B and they are now thinking about what universities they have the chance to apply to. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? How will the boss react when he finds out that there is a better guy him? As an AUC student, I have got the chance to deal with almost all economic classes. So these students are considered by the higher class the directed ones; however, since work places for the people who direct are few and scholarship concept is applied in many universities, the working class is now becoming a threat because they are now part of the competition. Originally it was used to describe a recovery of price to a previous desirable level after a fall caused by a recession. 3 a : the action of bending or folding back. Economic Models and Math. When it is serious, but not as devastating, it is a recession. The purpose for this essay is to argue an answer to the premise question, what does it mean for me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class? Who knows maybe god blessed us with a certain gift in a specific place to change the world. In turn, this student will be the best image not only to his university and colleagues but also to his country. A reflection B. 1. On the other hand, economic class means how much money one has. 1 a : a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. In turn, he defined the economic class as how one class directs the process of production while the other class is directed and provide services. The economy exists for the person, not the person for the economy. Reflections on Elections. In general it analyzes how modern societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy.Societies are divided into three groups: social, cultural and economic. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Ashley used to spend a lot of time on the road. Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Reflation&oldid=942135560, Articles lacking sources from December 2008, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 February 2020, at 20:40. Reflection Paper. So, I can add to my previous conclusion that the person, who has more money and power, gets more attention and obedience that leads to persuasiveness. Personal Reflection Introduction Over the last several years, globalization has been having a profound impact on the way businesses are operating. Now the picture is complete and I have got the true meaning behind these three topics. Economic integration is an arrangement among nations to reduce or eliminate trade barriers and coordinate monetary and fiscal policies. It can refer to an economic policy whereby a government uses fiscal or monetary stimulus in order to expand a country's output. Economic downturn refers to slowing GDP growth or GDP contraction. This is what is called closed doors situation; some students may score low grades in elementary schools but when they see that the university is their path for their future career, they act. A functional/practical student would think that high positions such as managers or supervisors require uniquely educated people, not just any university graduate. Just as disinflation is considered an acceptable antidote to high inflation, reflation is considered to be an antidote to deflation (which, unlike inflation, is considered bad regardless of its magnitude). We can’t think about the premise question in a complete functional/practical way because by doing so, we will have education inequality and we will be limiting education to the students with high grades only. The second point that was argued by this group was gaining or let’s say inheriting power and respect by the help of their parents by entering expensive universities then owning their father’s business after wards. On the other hand, power, money respect and attention are all what the human personal student is thinking about and he is ready to do anything in order to reach this goal whether by paying bribes or his father’s help; it doesn’t matter how, all it matters is to be able to reach this goal. You will have a general layout for your essay, which includes an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. Section II: Arguing an answer from the extreme of functional/practical. It does so by setting out concrete steps … Remember: ... Innumerable social thinkers disagree with much of Marx’s thought, but praise his reflections upon human freedom, the depth of his insight in contrast to the shallowness of liberalism. They are by a way or another all related to each others. The American University in Cairo is the most expensive in Egypt and probably in the Middle East, so many students feel cocky about being in such a university. This higher than normal inflation is considered reflation, since it is a return to trend, not exceeding the long-term trend. He already has climbed half the ladder because of his parents’ wealth and position and he is going to continue after graduating by getting a high position in a company that his fathers’ is a VIP costumer, paying bribe or at least inherit his father’s business. Many reasons were showed but the most important were the student’s leadership personality and experience. In such world, competition is allowed but people have to understand that they aren’t necessarily going to gain power in an inherited field. Secondly some others might think that these students’ economic class doesn’t allow them be a part of the AUC community. 28th Sep 2017 This reflection paper – the third in the series – sets out possible ways forward for deepening and completing the Economic and Monetary Union up until 2025. In both cases, the economy declines, and unemployment rises. Reflation, which can be considered a form of inflation (increase in the price level), is contrasted with inflation (narrowly speaking) in that "bad" inflation is inflation above the long-term trend line, while reflation is a recovery of the price level when it has fallen below the trend line. Also Known As: Structural economic change Take Einstein for instance; although, he had speech difficulties when he was young and scored Cs when he was in elementary school, he became one of the best known physicists in the world who made new theories. It is considered that the production of a unit is economically efficient when it is manufactured at the lowest possible cost. It helps us gain insight and see how to move forward. This commodity is partially responsible for the deforestation of the Amazon C. The biggest economic threat to political stability in South America D. World famous for its coffee beans E. Inspired the budding formation of a South American trade agreement In this lesson, we are going to take a look at three types of economic change. It might bring into play Taha Hussein’s famous quote “We should not expect proper, productive, efficient education from a university whose staff does not enjoy freedom and independence.” He wants to point out that many Universities in Egypt are losing their freedom at the hands of dictatorial, corrupt rulers (Hassan). Reflection is a process of exploring and examining ourselves, our perspectives, attributes, experiences and actions / interactions. Whether they are supporters to the first or the second opinion, this group will argue an answer to the premise question from the extreme human/personal view. Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. But imagine how these elite students feel when they become equal to others who don’t have as much money. They picked up a seat in the state Senate and no gains in the House. Recessions and depressions are similar. However, discovering and analyzing many point of views made me aware of the world we are living in and the system that controls us. Economic globalization is a worldwide phenomenon wherein countries’ economic situations can depend significantly on other countries. Economics definition, the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind. GDP growth was strong. from a surface: The mirror reflected the light onto the wall. Today it also (in addition to the above) describes the first phase in the recovery of an economy which is beginning to experience increasing prices at the end of a slump. Free with our range of university lectures is reached, it is a trading name of all Answers,! For me to be a part of the course uses fiscal or monetary stimulus in order expand. As these may be a template on one’s opinions on facts, events, controversy et.... 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