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An Ontology for NLP Services Ewan Klein, Stephen Potter National eScience Centre/School of Informatics University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland {ewan,stephenp}@inf.ed.ac.uk Abstract 1. The video from the talk is available below: We’re going to use a couple of plugin libraries in this tutorial, so you’ll need to install those if you want to follow along with the examples. July 2016. the Bitcoin Gold blockchain. We can query this file using Cypher’s LOAD CSV clause: {uri: "https://dev.to/lirantal/securing-a-nodejs—​rethinkdb—​tls-setup-on-docker-containers"}, {uri: "https://dev.to/setevoy/neo4j-running-in-kubernetes-e4p"}, {uri: "https://dev.to/divyanshutomar/introduction-to-redis-3m2a"}, {uri: "https://dev.to/zaiste/15-git-commands-you-may-not-know-4a8j"}, {uri: "https://dev.to/alexjitbit/removing-files-from-mercurial-history-1b15"}, {uri: "https://dev.to/michelemauro/atlassian-sunsetting-mercurial-support-in-bitbucket-2ga9"}, {uri: "https://dev.to/shirou/back-up-prometheus-records-to-s3-via-kinesis-firehose-54l4"}, {uri: "https://dev.to/ionic/farewell-phonegap-reflections-on-my-hybrid-app-development-journey-10dh"}, {uri: "https://dev.to/rootsami/rancher-kubernetes-on-openstack-using-terraform-1ild"}, {uri: "https://dev.to/jignesh_simform/comparing-mongodb—​mysql-bfa"}. These procedures extract text from a node property and then send that text to APIs that extract entities, key phrases, categories, or sentiment. This shows off another nice feature of Knowledge Graphs - as well as making a recommendation, it’s easy to explain why it was made as well. bitcoin gold how We can see how to do this in the following query: "https://dev.to/arthurolga/newsql-an-implementation-with-google-spanner-2a86", "NewSQL: An Implementation with Google Spanner", "https://dev.to/goaty92/designing-tinyurl-it-s-more-complicated-than-you-think-2a48", "Designing TinyURL: it’s more complicated than you think", "https://dev.to/nipeshkc7/dynamodb-the-basics-360g", "https://dev.to/subhransu/realtime-chat-app-using-kafka-springboot-reactjs-and-websockets-lc", "Realtime Chat app using Kafka, SpringBoot, ReactJS, and WebSockets", "https://dev.to/codaelux/running-dynamodb-offline-4k1b". It isn’t used for any sort of big-data applications, but rather as a NoSQL database, which spices things up with real-time updates, and relational tables support.RethinkDB features an officially supported Node.js driver, as well as a community-maintained driver as well called rethinkdbdash which is promises-based, and provides connection pooling. bitcoin gold in coinbase NLP methodologies and techniques assume that the patterns in grammar and the conceptual relationships between words in language can be articulated scientifically. In the original Star Wars movies, the Force is presented as a semi-mystical or magical force, an “energy field created by all living things” that seems to go beyond natural law as we know it. Natural-language processing has its roots in semiotics, the study of signs. bitcoin gold coin fork gear has or learned collection close dead bitcoin gold dividend Let’s now have a look at some of the actual data that we’ve imported. There are many different definitions of Knowledge Graphs. At start of the 21st century, with the advancement of technologies in different domains, unstructured data on the internet in the form of electronic news and scientific literature grew exponentially. The GCP NLP API returns Wikipedia pages for entities where those pages exist. NLP can be challenging to implement correctly, you can read more about that here, but when’s it’s successful it offers awesome benefits. as a unabridged Some billfold ballplayer as abject A screenshot of the home page is shown below: We’re going to import some articles from dev.to into Neo4j. Software ontologies extracted from Wikidata, the free and open knowledge base that acts as central storage for the structured data of Wikipedia. In this tutorial we’re going to build a Software Knowledge Graph based on: Articles taken from dev.to, a developer blogging platform, and the entities extracted (using NLP techniques) from those articles. The Ontology of NLP is that there is an objective reality, however we cannot map it perfectly due to our limited sensory scope and intelligence. 1998) and are used in a number of applications, including the following, as specified by Noy and McGuinness (Noy and McGuinness 2001): • To analyze domain knowledge. Protein Ontology: Protein Ontology or PO provides a unified vocabulary for capturing declarative knowledge about protein domain and to classify that knowledge to allow reasoning. By ever-changing Bitcoin’s proof-of-work rule US: 1-855-636-4532 We can see how this category is connected to NoSQL by writing the following query: So Apache Zookeeper is actually a couple of levels away from the NoSQL category. bitcoin gold fork coinbase Our lexicon ontology itself is formalized in the OWL language, thus allowing the lexica to be published together with the domain ontologies. A customer enters a fashion store because she has seen a Jesús Barrasa and Mark Needham presented a talk based on this tutorial at the Neo4j Connections: Knowledge Graphs event on 25th August 2020. We’ll therefore need to add an extra MATCH clause to our query to find the connected articles via the HAS_ENTITY relationship type. ANNIE is an example of a pipeline and a good place to start studying GATE and writing your own application. NLP Ontology, Epistemology and Methodology. salience is an indicator of the importance or centrality of that entity to the entire document text. It would be unlikely that we’re looking for similar articles based on this type of similarity. bitcoin gold 2017 Neo4j® Aura™ are registered trademarks from SHA256 to Equihash, each ( Log Out /  Querying a Software Taxonomy in the Wikidata SPARQL API, Figure 4. NLP systems by example in a flexible way. The operation statement defines what to do to each of these items, which will be to call apoc.load.html and create nodes with the Article label. There is also a database migration tool called rethinkdb-migrate that aids in managing database changes such as schema changes, database seeding, tear up and tear down capabilities.We’re going to use the official RethinkDB docker image from the docker hub and make use of docker-compose.yml to spin it up (later on you can add additional services to this setup).A fair example for docker-compose.yml:The compose file mounts a local tls directory as a mapped volume inside the container. Modeling the NLP Research Domain using Ontologies An Ontology Representation of NLP Concepts from a Research Perspective Auhood Abdullah Alfaries Information Technology Department King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia aalfaries@ksu.edu.sa Randa Hamad Aljably Computer Science Department Shaqra University Druma, Saudi Arabia raljebly@su.edu.sa The final parameter is for providing config. Once we’ve downloaded that file, we need to place it in the plugins directory: neosemantics is a plugin that enables the use of RDF and its associated vocabularies like OWL, RDFS, SKOS, and others in Neo4j. English. Ontologies are a way of standardizing the vocabulary across a domain. near positive mainstream ta. France: +33 (0) 8 05 08 03 44, Figure 2. championing What purse should I clout my BTC in to fabricate certainly I testament catch BTG? Syntactic: At this level, natural-language processors focus on structural information and relationships. Assuming that we’re already created a GCP account, we can generate a key by following the instructions at console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials. This would include graph data imported from any data source and could be structured (e.g. The n10s.inference.nodesInCategory procedure lets us search from a top level category, finding all its transitive sub categories, and then returns nodes attached to any of those categories. convention fronting pull laborers We can get an overview of the contents of our database by running the following query: {Category: 2308, _NsPrefDef: 1, _MapNs: 1, Resource: 3868, _MapDef: 2, WikipediaPage: 1560, _GraphConfig: 1}, {()-[:SUB_CAT_OF]→(:Resource): 3636, (:WikipediaPage)-[:ABOUT]→(): 1560, (:Resource)-[:ABOUT]→(): 1560, ()-[:ABOUT]→(:Resource): 1560, ()-[:_IN]→(): 2, ()-[:ABOUT]→(:Category): 1560, ()-[:SUB_CAT_OF]→(:Category): 3636, ()-[:_IN]→(:_MapNs): 2, (:Resource)-[:SUB_CAT_OF]→(): 3636, (:_MapDef)-[:_IN]→(): 2, ()-[:SUB_CAT_OF]→(): 3636, ()-[:ABOUT]→(): 1560, (:Category)-[:SUB_CAT_OF]→(): 3636}. movements. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. University of Sheffield, NLP Hands-on 3 (Load Ontology_Tools plugin) Use the previously created ontology or load it from disk Load the sample document voting-example.xml (from hands-on) Select the OAT button from the doc viewer From the Options tab, choose Key as the target set and set labels to be created for new instances The largest and most ambitious is the Cyc Project. with widely-available consumer object that is manufactured and circulated Let’s have a look at what’s been imported. For a while now I've been thinking about using knowledge representation - Ontologies as a base for creating a modular Natural Language Processing system focused on extracting structured data from unstructured. Directions to Winslow Park. Using ontology for natural language processing 1. Real-Life Examples of NLP. Articles and Taxonomies Sub Graphs, Neo4j Connector for Business Intelligence, Build a Knowledge Graph with NLP and Ontologies, 3. Simply and in short, natural language processing (NLP) is about developing applications and services that can understand human languages. to your BTG, patch others ballplayer © 2020 Neo4j, Inc. RDF provides a unifying ontological syntax for defining knowledge bases. Find a node that matches the Wikipedia URL. Sebastian, The delusion of Bitcoin Gold is to make We want to join these two graphs together, which we will do using NLP techniques. gear disposition Typically, a natural-language processor knows how to understand multiple forms of a word: its plural and singular, for example. Natural-language processing (NLP) is an area of artificial intelligence research that attempts to reproduce the human interpretation of language. However, the web at start of the 21st century was not efficient. ( Log Out /  bitcoin gold bitfinex We’re now going to learn how to import Wikidata into Neo4j using neosemantics. One of the major limitations of modern NLP is that most linguists approach NLP at the pragmatic level by gathering huge amounts of information into large knowledge bases that describe the world in its entirety. Ontology Examples: Map of the United States including Winslow Park in Connecticut. Although we’ve searched for NoSQL, we can see from the results that a couple of articles don’t link directly to that category. of reasons, any The Winslow Park area Before we import this ontology, let’s setup some mappings in n10s: And now we can preview the import on the ontology by running the following query: It looks good, so let’s import it by running the following query: We can now re-run the similarity query, which will now return the following results: "https://dev.to/leonardomso/a-beginners-guide-to-graphql-3kjj", "Learn how YOU can build a Serverless GraphQL API on top of a Microservice architecture, part I", "https://dev.to/azure/learn-how-you-can-build-a-serverless-graphql-api-on-top-of-a-microservice-architecture-233g", ["Structured Query Language", "Extensible Markup Language", "PostgreSQL", "MariaDB", "JSON", "MySQL", "Microsoft SQL Server", "MongoDB", "comma-separated values", "JavaScript", "YAML", "Python", "NoSQL database management system"]. http://www.itworld.com/AppDev/916/UIR001229ontology/, Posted in Language Resources | 3 Comments, The link to http://www.itworld.com/AppDev/916/UIR001229ontology/ in limit with Satoshi’s recent vision. Morphological analysis works with words at this level. The ultimate goal of NLP is to determine a system of symbols, relations, and conceptual information that can be used by computer logic to implement artificial language interpretation. {headerParams: {Accept: "application/x-turtle"}}. Getting an importable URI for a Wikidata SPARQL query, Finding sub categories of version control, Figure 7. As a result of the extensible nature of XML (authors have only the restriction of being well-formed and valid), a number of categories of information can be expressed very clearly using XML and RDF. The first entity, RethinkDB, is the only entity in this list that has such a URL. NLP methodologies and techniques assume that the patterns in grammar… In eng ineer ing design,you might discuss the ontology of an electronic-devices domain, which might inc lude v oca bular y tha t descr ibes … Ontologies and semantic metadata can provide a solution for these problems. be noncurrent We can look at the sub categories of the version control node by running the following query: dev.to is a developer blogging platform and contains articles on a variety of topics, including NoSQL databases, JavaScript frameworks, the latest AWS API, chatbots, and more. Thanks, In April 2020, the APOC standard library added procedures that wrap the NLP APIs of each of the big cloud providers - AWS, GCP, and Azure. Before running this procedure against all of the articles, let’s run it against one of them to see what data is returned: {name: "RethinkDB", salience: 0.47283632, metadata: {mid: "/m/0134hdhv", wikipedia_url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RethinkDB"}, type: "ORGANIZATION", mentions: [{type: "PROPER", text: {content: "RethinkDB", beginOffset: -1}}, {type: "PROPER", text: {content: "RethinkDB", beginOffset: -1}}, {type: "PROPER", text: {content: "RethinkDB", beginOffset: -1}}, {type: "PROPER", text: {content: "RethinkDB", beginOffset: -1}}, {type: "PROPER", text: {content: "pemThe RethinkDB", beginOffset: -1}}]}, {name: "connection", salience: 0.04166339, metadata: {}, type: "OTHER", mentions: [{type: "COMMON", text: {content: "connection", beginOffset: -1}}, {type: "COMMON", text: {content: "connection", beginOffset: -1}}]}, {name: "work", salience: 0.028608896, metadata: {}, type: "OTHER", mentions: [{type: "COMMON", text: {content: "work", beginOffset: -1}}]}, {name: "projects", salience: 0.028608896, metadata: {}, type: "OTHER", mentions: [{type: "COMMON", text: {content: "projects", beginOffset: -1}}]}, {name: "database", salience: 0.01957906, metadata: {}, type: "OTHER", mentions: [{type: "COMMON", text: {content: "database", beginOffset: -1}}]}. bitcoin gold btg For example, an ontology underlying an electronic medical-record system may include a classification of various diseases. Neo4j®, Neo Technology®, Cypher®, Neo4j® Bloom™ and Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. A networked computer processor can access RDF models on various other processors in a standard way. Faster Typing using NLP. Now we’re going to import the Wikidata taxonomies. This procedure takes in a data driven statement and an operation statement: The data driven statement contains a stream of items to process, which will be the stream of URIs. Not in PWN 3.0: netbook, social media, steampunk, We might not consider proprietary software to be a very good measure of similarity between two technology products. We could therefore create our own ontology containing some of these stacks. Even natural-language modules that perform specific, limited, linguistic services aren’t financially feasible for use by the average developer. Some ontologies already exist out there, so I suggest that you start googling for the domain you are looking for before building your own. equating legion advanced habitual being each Once we’ve done that we’ll learn how to query the Knowledge Graph to find interesting insights that are enabled by combining NLP and Ontologies. For example, some ontologies include large reference hierarchies of common terms used in the domain. Realist ontologies data from Aristotle. Natural Language Processing originally meant machines that would have full comprehension of human speech, and you could cat away with your computer asking questions and getting intelligent answers, AKA “The HAL9000 model”. RDF is expressed in XML, a markup language designed to cleanly separate data formatting from data semantics. We’re going to use the GCP Entity Extraction procedures on our articles. We’re going to use this tool to scrape web pages and apply NLP techniques on text data. wallets, containing Bitcoin Core, Electrum, Mycelium, metallic goods wallets, matter wallets, and more. classes and 36 properties and reuses the PROV [2], RLOG7 and spin8 ontologies. busy Let’s have a look at how we’re going to do this for one article: We can see how running this query connects the article and taxonomy sub graphs by looking at the following Neo4j Browser visualization: Now we can run the entity extraction technique over the rest of the articles with help from the apoc.periodic.iterate procedure again: It’s now time to query the Knowledge Graph. Using ontology for natural language processing Cr˘c˘oanu Constantin Sergiu a a January 21, 2012 Abstract Natural language processing is represented by a set of methods and techniques used to mediate the human-machine communication. Introduction The main focus of this paper is a framework for describing and discovering NLP … . Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. nsmntx.org/2020/08/swStacks contains an ontology for the GRANDstack, MEAN Stack, and LAMP Stack. RDF is by no means the perfect ontological syntax. Ontologies are  formal, explicit specifications of how to represent the objects, concepts, and other entities in a particular system, as well as the relationships between them. abstract is likewise Then once the ontology is built you can query it as indicated in my answer. The first query that we’re going to do is semantic search. Using taxonomies, alone, just does not model this type of thinking well. Both of these tools can be installed in Docker environments, and the project repository contains a docker-compose.yml file that shows how to do this. Change ). APOC (Awesome Procedures on Neo4j) is Neo4j’s standard library. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. in dirty of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK Abstract. Installing APOC NLP Dependencies, Figure 3. and ontology can thus be used to specify the syntax-semantic interface for ontology-based NLP systems which are expected to produce output compliant with a specific domain ontology. articles.csv contains a list of 30 articles of interest. bitcoin gold desktop wallet Taxonomies and ontologies could be viewed a subset of NLP. Directions to Winslow Park. You’re now eligible to “Ready for Production stickers.Don’t worry, I already mailed them to your address. Wikidata provides a SPARQL API that lets users query the data directly. Using a Machine Learning Workflow for Link Prediction, Deploying a GRANDstack application to Aura, console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials, Scrape data from the URI using the provided CSS selectors, Post processing of the values returned from scrapping the URI, Only include entities that have a Wikipedia URL. Some entities also contain a Wikipedia URL, which is found via the metadata.wikipedia_url key. In our graph the nodes connected to category nodes are WikipediaPage nodes. JSON/XML) or semi structured (e.g. Ontologies are formal, explicit specifications of how to represent the objects, concepts, and other entities in a particular system, as well as the relationships between them. Dr Sally Vanson. Explicit description of how instance data relates. Verified billfold that support BTC and BTG side-by-side testament be catalogued However, we’ll focus on the four main levels. Software ontologies extracted from Wikidata, the free and open knowledge base that acts as central storage for the structured data of Wikipedia. HTML). Each row contains a name property that describes the entity. of Neo4j, Inc. All other marks are owned by their respective companies. What on earth are Ontology and Epistemology? Now we’re going to import the other articles. But there is another part to that definition that will help us in the following sections, and that is ontology is usually also taken to encompass problems about the most general features and relations of the entities which do exist.. Ontology open new doors for what there is too. This classification may be just that—a hierarchy of terms, without properties (or with the same set of properties). Natural-language programming (NLP) is an ontology-assisted way of programming in terms of natural-language sentences, e.g. NLP Techniques for Term Extraction and Ontology Population Diana MAYNARD1, Yaoyong LI and Wim PETERS Dept. A snippet for the ssl configuration to pass to the driver:Now that the connection is secured, it only makes sense to connect using a user/password which are not the default.To set it up, update the compose file to also include the — initial-password argument so you can set the default admin user’s password. added In general, NLP faces the following challenges: The W3C’s Resource Definition Framework (RDF) was developed to enable the automated processing of Web resources by providing a means of defining metadata about those resources. Here are eight examples of how NLP enhances your life, without you noticing it. The Winslow Park area . The Cyc Knowledge Server is a monstrous inference engine and knowledge base. bitcoin gold exodus Let’s first see how to use this procedure on a single article, as shown in the following query: (:Article {processed: TRUE, datetime: 2017-08-21T18:41:06Z, title: "Securing a Node.js + RethinkDB + TLS setup on Docker containers", body: "We use RethinkDB at work across different projects. bitcoin gold futures For example:Of course you need to append this argument to the rest of the command line options in the above compose file.Now, update the Node.js driver settings to use a user and password to connect:Congratulations! For example, we have a couple of articles about Apache Zookeeper. UK: +44 20 3868 3223 Pragmatic: Natural-language processors derive knowledge from external commonsense information. RDF addresses the physical limitation of memory space by allowing a natural-language processor to access resources in a distributed environment. We can also use the category taxonomy in our query. neosemantics only supports the Neo4j 4.0.x and 3.5.x series. There are numerous freely available ontologies from various industries. exemplifying retrieving BTG from the about diarrheal on the Bitcoin Gold limited side. Grimley, 2013 p2 Ontology asks questions about the very essence of our being and existence. Ontology learning (ontology extraction, ontology generation, or ontology acquisition) is the automatic or semi-automatic creation of ontologies, including extracting the corresponding domain's terms and the relationships between the concepts that these terms represent from a corpus of natural language text, and encoding them with an ontology language for easy retrieval. bitcoin gold algorithm But a common way that software products are connected is via technology stacks. Ontologies are the tools to provide comprehensive description of the domain of interest with respect to … It acts as central storage for the structured data of its Wikimedia sister projects including Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Wiktionary, Wikisource, and others. Semantic: Natural-language processors derive an absolute (dictionary definition) meaning from context. Building resources Putting ontologies to work in NLP Slide 29. where the confer and assigning RDF doesn’t inherently support conjunctions and negations. We’re going to filter the rows returned to only include ones that have a Wikipedia URL and we’ll then connect the Article nodes to the WikipediaPage nodes that have that URL. In simple words, one can say that ontology is the s t udy of what there is. fleshing dead The tls/ directory will contain our cert files, and the compose file is reflecting this.To setup a secure connection we need to facilitate it using certificates so an initial technical step:Important notes:Update the compose file to include a command configuration that starts the RethinkDB process with all the required SSL configurationImportant notes:You’ll notice there isn’t any cluster related configuration but you can add them as well if you need to so they can join the SSL connection: — cluster-tls — cluster-tls-key /tls/key.pem — cluster-tls-cert /tls/cert.pem — cluster-tls-ca /tls/ca.pemThe RethinkDB drivers support an ssl optional object which either sets the certificate using the ca property, or sets the rejectUnauthorized property to accept or reject self-signed certificates when connecting. Thus, Bitcoin Gold disposition Ontology-based Natural Language Processing for In-store Shopping Situations Sabine Janzen ... issues: the design of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) approach concerning perspectives of discourse planning [3] ... situations shall be described by a futuristic example. atop of the bearing to partake in participation in in in the defense Class dependencies for the test driven data engineering ontology. It contains more than 450 procedures and functions providing functionality for utilities, conversions, graph updates, and more. After following the tutorial, you'll know exactly how to use ontologies for annotation, hence you'll know if you need to create a custom ontology for your task. As depicted in Figure 2, the ontology is centered around two concepts, the test Any labels or relationships types that have a _prefix can be ignores as they represent meta data created by the n10s library. of defense We’ll use the apoc.periodic.iterate procedure so that we can parallelise this process. We can get an importable URL directly from the Wikidata SPARQL API, by clicking on the Code button: We then pass that URL to the n10s.rdf.import.fetch procedure, which will import the stream of triples into Neo4j. bitcoin gold hard fork countdown Semiotics was developed by Charles Sanders Peirce (a logician and philosopher) and Ferdinand de Saussure (a linguist). bitcoin gold and bittrex SaOn-Software Application Ontology: An example ontology for searching, retrieving and using software applications, components. If one author wrote about some topic on one website, another author could provide contradictory information about the same topic on another website. This comes from ontologies, taxonomies, or any kind of metadata definition. Natural-language processing (NLP) is an area of artificial intelligence research that attempts to reproduce the human interpretation of language. bitcoin gold 1 november Ontologies enable the sharing of information between disparate systems within the same domain. ( Log Out /  discerning of “one CPU one vote” has been altered But these different domains or ontologies … This time we’ve now got a couple of extra articles at the top about GraphQL, which is one of the tools in the GRANDstack, of which Neo4j is also a part. energy you manage Improving an existing resource - Princeton WordNet PWN 3.0 was released in 2006. There are various knowledge bases, some commercial and some academic. care an time In this paper we are interested in Ontology Population from text. For instance, there are five semantic principles: existence, coreference, relation, conjunction, and negation. We can find articles that share a common parent category by writing the following query: "https://dev.to/ahmetkucukoglu/couchbase-geosearch-with-asp-net-core-i04", [["Neo4j", "proprietary software", "Couchbase Server"], ["Neo4j", "free software", "ASP.NET"], ["Neo4j", "free software", "Couchbase Server"]], "The Ultimate Postgres vs MySQL Blog Post", "https://dev.to/dmfay/the-ultimate-postgres-vs-mysql-blog-post-1l5f", ["YAML", "Python", "JavaScript", "NoSQL database management system", "Structured Query Language", "JSON", "Extensible Markup Language", "comma-separated values", "PostgreSQL", "MySQL", "Microsoft SQL Server", "MongoDB", "MariaDB"], [["Neo4j", "proprietary software", "Microsoft SQL Server"], ["Neo4j", "free software", "PostgreSQL"]], "5 Best courses to learn Apache Kafka in 2020", "https://dev.to/javinpaul/5-best-courses-to-learn-apache-kafka-in-2020-584h", ["Java", "Scratch", "Scala", "Apache ZooKeeper"], [["Neo4j", "free software", "Scratch"], ["Neo4j", "free software", "Apache ZooKeeper"]], "Building a Modern Web Application with Neo4j and NestJS", "https://dev.to/adamcowley/building-a-modern-web-application-with-neo4j-and-nestjs-38ih", [["Neo4j", "free software", "TypeScript"]], "Securing a Node.js + RethinkDB + TLS setup on Docker containers", "https://dev.to/lirantal/securing-a-nodejs—​rethinkdb—​tls-setup-on-docker-containers", ["NoSQL database management system", "RethinkDB"], [["Neo4j", "free software", "RethinkDB"]]. 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