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I love the history behind the plants! Propagation of Sprengeri ferns can be by seed or by root division. 1. My favorite is the Asparagus setaceus plumosa or plumosa fern. It was beautiful. This plant does not like frost or freezing weather. Despite its name, the Sprengeri fern is not actually a fern, but a flowering evergreen angiosperm with short, leaf-like branches called cladophylls that grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 7 to 10. Asparagus sprengeri, a cultivar of asparagus densiflorus is the most popular variety of this plant. No matter which method you use for propagating asparagus plants, they must have well drained soil with a moderate pH. It has dark green, needle-like leaves and is densely arranged along stems that resemble fern fronds. The needle-like leaves are actually modified, flattened stems called cladodes or phylloclades “a flattened branch or stem-joint resembling and functioning as a leaf”. This 1- to 4-foot-tall plant has true leaves that are scale-like, and inconspicuous. Even if cut to the ground, it usually will sprout back out. The bushy, foxtail-like stems gracefully arch backward and are up to 1 m long. I love mine. The arching branches cascade nicely over container edges or garden walls. My ming fern has a lot of “root tubers” (I guess that is what they are but maybe only 4 5 stems at a time. I can’t bring myself to rip it out, but probably should split the plant and then cut it out. Where to Plant Mist the ferns with warm water when watering indoors. Asparagus aethiopicus L. Asparagopsis densiflora Kunth Asparagus densiflorus (Kunth) Jessop Asparagus myriocladus Baker Asparagus sarmentosus L. Asparagus sprengeri Regel Protasparagus aethiopicus (L.) Oberm. Oh my! I brought one home from our garden center last week, as my only regular (as I call it) asparagus ferns are in containers outside. Sprengeri [SPRENG-er-ee] Fern is a herbaceous perennial and is native to South Africa. While it is used as a border plant, the Sprengeri fern has the potential to be invasive and should be planted with care in your yard. They were falling off, so I cut the stems way back. I have an Asparagus setaceus plumosa in my bathroom and it has been there for a couple of years, gets no direct sun, and is a nice dark green. They are easy and beautiful! The Sprengeri fern is native to Cape Province of South Africa. A. sprengeri seeds are available from True Leaf Market. Plant asparagus fern in garden beds where it is used as a creeper in warmer climates. You can see from the pictures below, at this time of year, these plants are ready to burst out of their pots. Have you experienced the asparagus fern getting very very long stems suddenly? The plant looks soft and fernlike, but there are thorns present on the branches. The berries start out glossy and green and then turn red when they ripen. I love how the leaves (phylloclades) are flat and the plant is layered. Beware, the stems of asparagus fern have thorns that are sharp. I threw a handfull in a spare pot with some leftover soil and they all sprouted!. If given too bright light, the plant will yellow. I have a plumosa, 50+yrs.old. Two years ago my Asparagus Fern dropped some of its berries and, unbeknownst to me, propagated. Pin the picture below to your houseplant board on Pinterest. I didn’t want to cut the large tubers, so if you can, try to pry them apart if you can. Can you help? I especially love it in this mixed container at the Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus, OH. Thank you. Compact Sprenger Asparagus Fern (Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri Compacta’) The ‘Sprengeri Compacta’ is a cultivar of Asparagus densiflorus with small, compact growth. While this plant can be propagated by planting the seeds found in the berries, the easier and faster way is to dig up and divide the tuberous roots. Could you send me some pictures via email? I see that as the plant I brought home from the garden center is quite light green, almost yellow and it was in full sun. It produces seeds rather than spores and is related to the vegetable, Asparagus. We will never spam or sell your information. Your email address will not be published. It is not really a true fern but is a flowering plant and member of the lily family , Liliaceae. You can also plant seeds harvested from red berries that develop on the plant from summer to winter. I think it awesome that you grow them from seed. The thorns on the woody stems of the Sprengeri fern can cause skin irritation, so handle branches of the plant with care. However, if you do plant it in part sun and the plant begins to appear thin, move it to a location that receives full sun. First I teased the roots apart as the root ball was so solidly packed together. Propagation. A spore must have landed and grew as they were near each other and I did not plant it. Don’t try to propagate from stem cutting as these will not root. This 1 to 4 foot-tall plant has true leaves that are scale-like and inconspicuous. I also have one called pyramidalis. What's the Perfect Habitat for a Leatherleaf Fern? When I brought it back to it’s usual place, the needles turned yellow. Hi Dawn, It hasn’t grown a lot but I’m okay with that. Rohlin holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in English from Madonna University. Sprengeri ferns can also be planted outdoors and used as ground cover in your landscaping. It is native to South Africa. I want my soil to be fast-draining soil. These tiny cladophylls are linear, flattened structures that are bright green in color. Look at those roots coming out of the container they used. Steps: First step was to dig 2 holes at least twice as wide as deep. It forms large clumps that attain heights of @ 3 feet and widths to 4 feet. Asparagus fern grows best in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11 although it can survive in much of zone 8. Handle with care. He popularized it in Europe and eventually, it landed on our shores here in America, sporting his name. From CL Sprenger’s writings it is clear that one of the many disasters that befell him was that Moellers Deutsche Garten-Zeitung claimed that his Asparagus fern was the same as Asparagus falcatus. If you didn’t know, this plant isn’t a fern at all. I have read they are easy to grow from seed, but I haven’t tried. 1 drained in about 15 minutes & the other took about 45 minutes. It was named for the German botanist, Carl Ludwig Sprenger (1846-1917). Delicate, needle-like leaflets and cascading branches make this ornamental fern-like plant ideal for hanging baskets. Sprenger Asparagus or Sprengeri Fern (Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’) Sprenger ferns have light, airy foliage that grows on arching stems. This plant has been in my bathroom for a couple of years. Did you know that they make great houseplants? Has anyone else had luck with it inside? Plumosa fern has tubers in its roots that you can cut and plant on the soil. Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’1 Edward F. Gilman2 Introduction ‘Sprengeri’ Asparagus Fern is a rounded herbaceous perennial that is used in the landscape for its attractive, fine-textured foliage. Sprengeri fern branches naturally arch and can be trained to cascade over a wall in your flower garden. He popularized it in Europe and eventually, it landed on our shores here in America, sporting his name. Your email address is secure. This past spring I had more seeds than seed pots. The ferns grow tuberous roots, which are fleshy nodules that can be separated and used to grow another plant. It was named for the German botanist, Carl Ludwig Sprenger (1846-1917). Schedule the repotting and division to somewhere in February or March. I also mix my own soil. I save the red berries that fall off or pick them and let them dry out. The new shoot shows you it is related to the asparagus we eat. Lisa. As in more than 1.5 meter but not getting any leaves out to the sides? Have you? Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’ Sprengeri Asparagus Fern 3 Design Considerations The Sprengeri Asparagus Fern has a clumping, arching, form that resemble mounds when grown in clusters. I had one that was many feet long. Below is the foxtail fern or Asparagus densiflorus ‘Meyeri’ (I’ve also seen it as Meyersii, and Meyers). This is the picture that emerges from CL Sprenger’s writings but I am unable a) to locate the “defamatory” article in MDG-Z nor b) to locate the documents regarding the related legal case. They do eventually get leaves. Yes! The Sprengeri is categorized as a weed in Hawaii, Florida, New Zealand, and Australia. Last year (2006) I was amazed to find Asparagus Fern growing in my planting bed and have about 5 plants from that seed dropping. Amend the soil with generous amounts of compost, leaf litter and other rich organic components. Look how it is starting to vine down the side of the container. The top had exposed tubers so I thought it was rootbound. It was stuck. You will more often find asparagus fern growing indoors as a dense, bushy houseplant with lace-like foliage that forms an incredible mound. I took it out of the pot to repot – there was still a lot of potting soil in the middle and around the top – about 1″ or more on the sides and maybe 3-4″ in the middle of the bottom. Give it a good well-drained potting medium and make sure it doesn’t dry out. The name asparagus fern comes from the fact that the new growth resembles tiny asparagus spears. I did this when one of my plants got a bad case of mealybugs and it came back. It will drop its needle-like leaves quickly if allowed to dry out. I had to cut the plant out of the container. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The structures that most refer to as leaves are actually leaf-like branchlets called cladophylls. You probably could find the “regular” one on clearance at your local garden center at this time of year. Asparagus densiflorus sprengeri This asparagus fern has an upright growth habit when young, but the stems begin to arch when longer and heavier. Birds can eat the berries or pick them up and drop them, carrying the fruit to other areas of your yard where the seeds of the fern germinate and grow into new plants. Hi Kathy, The vines will continue to grow. Botanical name –Asparagus aethiopicus, formerly Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’. - The Houseplant Guru, How to Choose the Best Holiday Plant for a Gift. I’m sure you noticed that something weird is growing in my asparagus fern. Its rhizomatous roots, which you can see above, do hold water so it can survive even if it loses a few stems. This is a vine of my Asparagus pyramidalis, Love this asparagus pyramidalis leaf with the sun shining through. As they begin to vine, it would be hard to keep them contained. I use soils I order wholesale through my husband’s garden center. Enter your email below and I'll send you my FREE download! Asparagus sprengeri Sicha69 / Getty Images Propagating Asparagus Fern . Although the Sprengeri fern does best in full sunlight, you can plant in part sun or shade, as long as the soil is well draining. University of Arizona Pima County Cooperative Extension: Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri', Sinningia & Friends: Sinningia Inflorescences, University of Florida IFAS Extension: Asparagus Fern, Queensland Government Weeds of Australia: Ground Asparagus Fern Asparagus aethiopicus 'Sprengeri', Magnolia Gardens Nursery: Asparagus densiflorus, Hrovatin Exotica Group: Asparagus densiflorus. One day, I thought it could use more light as a few fronds turned yellow. Each seed turns into a rhizome. Because the roots of the plant I brought home were so rootbound, I did up-pot it into a pot larger than I normally would. Two Types of Asparagus Fern. Sensitive people may have blisters form after skin contact with the fern's sap, so wash your hands after handling. I almost killed it by letting it dry out one too many times, but up-potted it and kept it moist and it has taken off. Sprengeri fern cladophylls are yellow-green or bright green and can grow in groups of three or more, or singly on the branches of the plant. Could you post a picture of how you cut the roots? I have a ming fern that is doing wonderful however its getting I guess you would say leggy. So the long vines will continue to grow? Botanical name –Asparagus aethiopicus, formerly Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’. A. retrofractus. Fill the holes with water to loosen the soil even more & make sure the water thoroughly drains out. Below you can see that I had cut the resulting dead stems off after I allowed it to become to dry, but not low enough. Vegetative Propagation Another way to propagate is by root division. Because of its frothy appearance, it does resemble a fern but is no relation. You can see the resemblance in the picture below of a new shoot of a ming asparagus fern. They aren’t leaves or needles and they are photosynthesizing and making food for the plant. Place your asparagus fern in a medium to bright light. I mix a potting medium with perlite and vermiculite. Required fields are marked *. Why Does Your Houseplant Have the Name it Has? Preparing the Plant for Division. In spring, dig up the entire plant and divide … After the small white flowers are spent, they turn into red berries. Sprengeri ferns are flowering evergreen plants. Also what kind of soil do you use? I mix the baby ferns with impatiens and coleus for flower arrangements .They make nice gifts. I have one that is going crazy right now after spending the summer under our elevated deck. It probably turned yellow coming back in because it needed to be acclimated and came from the sun (even though it was shaded by another plant, that is still more sun than in the house) back into a dimmer place and reacted by dropping needles. I have planted the berries from that plant for a couple of years now . When placed in a hanging pot, the fern branches hang down from the pot for a wild, albeit delicate, touch of nature to any home. Hi Andrew, That is so interesting! I usually make my own. Yes! Asparagus Fern is a rapidly growing evergreen plant with arching, cascading branches of needlelike leaves. By seed or by root division, when, in fact, it would probably grow more start! Most refer to as leaves are actually leaf-like branchlets called cladophylls lot but i haven t. Plant asparagus fern plants, they must have well drained soil with a moderate pH with perlite and.. 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