4191237 - 4191239
Amaranthus powellii: 16 Species bracteosus Uline & Bray syn. Although merely of casual occurrence in some localities, the species is thought to be naturalized in the dunes, along the river Waal and in urban areas. Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson - mat amaranth AMBL. Jr. (1949) Dix espèces d’Amaranthus nouvelles pour la flore belge.Bull. In addition, users can learn about the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant. Provided by Kentucky Native Plant Society. In addition, users can learn about the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant. Wild pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), field pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L.) and creeping pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides S. Prostrate, mat-forming summer annual. mat amaranth. G. Publisher Smithsonian Institution Year 1965 ลักษณะเมล็ดของ Amaranthus blitoides ลักษณะทรงต้นของ Amaranthus blitoides Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. Amaranthus blitoides . reverchonii Uline & W.L.Bray Amaranthus reverchonii (Uline & Bray) I.V.Kovachev Amaranthus turolensis Sennen, 1914 Galliaria blitoides (S.Wats.) : Westamerikanischer Fuchsschwanz. (1877) Alternate and pale green to shiny, darkgreen leaves are oblong, oval to egg-shapedwith pointed, rounded to slightly indentedleaf tips. It usually grows up to 0.6 m, though it may grow up to 1 m (3 feet). Title Flora of Japan. No members of this genus are known to be poisonous, but when grown on nitrogen-rich soils they are known to concentrate nitrates in the leaves. It was first found in 1900. Leaf margins are smooth and usuallywhitish. Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson - mat amaranth AMBL. Stems may be 1 to 3 feet long and mostly erect at the tip. SI-BAE Annual Report #30 (p. 65), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Amaranthus_blitoides&oldid=993155712, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 9 December 2020, at 02:13. taxonomy/phylogenetic: Encyclopedia of life: Show Biotic Interactions: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Global Biotic Interactions: Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. (1979) Amaranthus species in Cambridgeshire.A preliminary examination. Vol. Stem: prostrate, mat-forming, 30--120 cm, green or occasionally purple, glabrous. Most provide delicious and nutritious fruit, but many also have edible leaves, seeds, flowers, stems or roots, or they yield edible or useful oil. ), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), Palmer amaranth (Amaran-thus palmeri S. species Amaranthus bigelovii Uline & Bray - Bigelow's Amaranth. It flowers in the summer to fall. Subject: Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats Other System Links Plants: AMBL Bayer: AMABL GRIN: 101529 ITIS: 20723 NPDN Pest: PAFACBC NPDN Host: 36010 Distribution and integrated management of weeds in Bay Islands. S. Wats. (1877) Preferred Common Name. Provided by Kentucky Native Plant Society. There is some confusion over the correct name for this species, some authorities say that it is part of Amaranthus graecizans[58. Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson. Floreix de l'estiu a la tardor. Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Amaranthus blitoides, commonly called mat amaranth, prostrate pigweed, procumbent pigweed, prostrate amaranth, or matweed, is a glabrous annual plants species. Prostrate, mat-forming summer annual. Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. Habit: Monoecious. New data are given to amplify the tentative remarks on naturalization of Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats, in the Atlas of the Netherlands Flora (Van der Ham, 1980). spreading amaranth; International Common Names. Common names: Mat Amaranth Species details (USDA): USDA AMBL Documented uses 24 uses documented Acoma Food, Dried Food detail... (Castetter, Edward F., 1935, Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest I. Uncultivated Native Plants Used as Sources of Food, University of New Mexico Bulletin 4(1):1-44, pages 15) Amaranthus blitoides S. Etat Brux. The website also provides access to a database and images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at … [4], Stevenson, Matilda Coxe 1915 Ethnobotany of the Zuni Indians. Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. S. Wats. common name: Bigelow's amaranth: 13 Species blitoides S. Wats. Wats. Wats.). Leaves are numerous at the stem ends. above the ground surface, 10-120cm (4in.-4ft) long, much-branched and often forming thick, circular mats, usually not rooting from the nodes, green or purplish-red, somewhat fleshy; leaves alternate (1 per node), numerous along the branches, 1-5cm (2/5-2in.) species Amaranthus … Deu. Alternate and pale green to shiny, darkgreen leaves are oblong, oval to egg-shapedwith pointed, rounded to slightly indentedleaf tips. The allelopathic effect of Amaranthus retroflexus L., Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats, and Amaranthus gracilis Desf. S.Watson. subspecies Amaranthus blitum subsp. prostrate pigweed. Leaf: petiole 3--15 mm; blade (5)10--30 (40) mm, 4--10 (15) mm wide, obovate to spoon-shaped, base wedge-shaped, tip obtuse, rounded, margins flat (+- wavy). species Amaranthus blitum L. - Guernsey Pigweed. prostrate pigweed. It is a photoautotroph. BSBI News 22: 17-20.. Florusse P. (1985) De nerfamarant (Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson) in Rotterdam.Gorteria 12: 243.. Kloos A.W. Image 5374124 is of prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides ) seedling(s). Amaranthus cannabinus (L.) Sauer. Amaranthaceae (Pigweed Family) seedling young plants mature plant (Kansas) white leaf margin on mature plant leaves mature plant (North Dakota) stem, leaves of mature plants . Individuals can grow to 0.4 m. Reproduction is monoecious. above the ground surface, 10-120cm (4in.-4ft) long, much-branched and often forming thick, circular mats, usually not rooting from the nodes, green or purplish-red, somewhat fleshy; leaves alternate (1 per node), numerous along the branches, 1-5cm (2/5-2in.) The New York Flora Atlas is a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state, as well as information on plant habitats, associated ecological communities, and taxonomy. Known Hazards. It is by Joseph M. DiTomaso at University of California - Davis. It has a self-supporting growth form. FAC Spreading Amaranth Amaranthus obcordatus (Gray) Standl. Amaranthus blitoides (Mat Amaranth) is a species of annual herb in the family pigweed. It was first found in 1900. Amaranthus spinosus L. probably not naturalized, uncommon waif. Nitrates are implicated in stomach cancers, blue babies and some other health problems. It usually grows up to 0.6 m, though it may grow up to 1 m (3 feet). The leaves were analyzed when the plants were in the vegetative phase of development. Most provide delicious and nutritious fruit, but many also have edible leaves, seeds, flowers, stems or roots, or they yield edible or useful oil. common name: mat amaranth, spreading pigweed : 14 Species blitum L. common name: purple amaranth: 15 Species bouchonii Thellung syn. És una planta nativa del centre i est dels Estats Units, però s'ha naturalitzat a tot arreu de la zona temperada incloent els Països Catalans.En alguns llocs es considera una planta invasora. If you think a comment/link or information contained on this page is inaccurate or misleading we would welcome your feedback at admin@pfaf.org. Brown. 19: 243-250. Leaf margins are smooth and usuallywhitish. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. (1877) common name: Bigelow's amaranth: 13 Species blitoides S. Wats. It is by Joseph M. DiTomaso at University of California - Davis. Subject: Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats Curation Information Node Affiliation: USDA APHIS PPQ. were brought from the “undermost world” of the rain priests and were scattered … Jr. (1949) Dix espèces d’Amaranthus nouvelles pour la flore belge.Bull. The mineral composition is explored of the four species of Amaranthus L.: A. lividus L., A. tricolor L., A. acutilobus Uline et W. L. Bray, and A. blitoides S. Wats. Stems & Leaves: Stems and leaves prostrate or with tips of some branches raised 2-5cm (1-2in.) Some authorities list it as an invasive species. Taxonomic Rank: Magnoliopsida: Caryophyllales: Amaranthaceae Synonym(s): mat amaranth, prostrate amaranth, prostrate pigweed species Amaranthus bigelovii Uline & Bray - Bigelow's Amaranth. Stems It is edible, and the plant and its seeds have long been used for food by Native Americans. Stems & Leaves: Stems and leaves prostrate or with tips of some branches raised 2-5cm (1-2in.) Productia Vegetala, Cereale si Plante Tehnice, 37(7):28-31. ลักษณะเมล็ดของ Amaranthus blitoides ลักษณะทรงต้นของ Amaranthus blitoides Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. : skedamarant. Engl. : mat amaranth, prostrate pigweed. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. The element concentrations determined by techniques of atomic absorption spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma spectrometry. halophilus Aellen Amaranthus blitoides var. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Bot. The seeds of Amaranthus blitoides were used as a food source by a number of Native American groups. Although merely of casual occurrence in some localities, the species is thought to be naturalized in the dunes, along the river Waal and in urban areas. It has also naturalized in South America and Eurasia. This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above. Amaranthus blitoides, commonly called mat amaranth,[1] prostrate pigweed,[2] procumbent pigweed, prostrate amaranth, or matweed, is a glabrous annual plants species. Of these species, only Palmer amaranth and common waterhemp have resistant populations in the United States. 1913. Deu. & Caum. Amaranthus budensis Priszter. Flowers have bracts as long as the sepals and yield small, round, shiny black seeds. It is believed to have been a native of the central and possibly eastern United States, but it has naturalized in almost all of temperate North America. New data are given to amplify the tentative remarks on naturalization of Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats, in the Atlas of the Netherlands Flora (Van der Ham, 1980). 2: 3. ), and common waterhemp (Amaran-thus rudis Sauer). VT. New data are given to amplify the tentative remarks on naturalization of Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats, in the Atlas of the Netherlands Flora (Van der Ham, 1980). Small, greenish flowers are found in dense clusters in the leaf axils. Bot. ... species Amaranthus chihuahuensis S. Wats. Amaranthaceae (Amaranth family) Life cycle. The allelopathic effect of Amaranthus retroflexus L., Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats, and Amaranthus gracilis Desf. The Zuni believed that the seeds of prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides S.Wats.) : mat amaranth, prostrate pigweed. ), puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris L.), and tumble pigweed ... Amaranthus albus L., A. blitoides S. Watson and A. blitum L. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 83: 1039 - 1066. Alternate and pale green to shiny, darkgreen leaves are oblong, oval to egg-shapedwith pointed, rounded to slightly indentedleaf tips. Germany: Niederliegender Amarant; Niederliegender Fuchsschwanz; Westamerikanischer Amarant; Italy: blito Amaranthus blitoides . Field experiments were conducted from 2005 to 2009 to evaluate oxyfluorfen efficacy on common purslane and prostrate pigweed and green onion tolerance when applied POST at 0, 30, 70, 105, and 290 g ai ha−1 approximately 3 wk after planting. Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. The allelopathic effect of Amaranthus retroflexus L., Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats, and Amaranthus gracilis Desf. Amaranthus brandegeei Standl. Leaves. Amaranthus cacciatoi (Aellen ex Cacciato) Iamonico. Britton, N.L., and A. Amaranthaceae. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. common name: mat amaranth, spreading pigweed : 14 Species blitum L. common name: purple amaranth: 15 Species bouchonii Thellung syn. Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. Nieuwl. Weed management in green onion continues to be a challenge for vegetable growers in Ohio. Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. Image 5374122 is of prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides ) plant(s). on wheat Triticum durum L. was investigated under laboratory, glasshouse and field conditions. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats. Dagar JC, Gangwar B, Sharma AK, 1991. Amaranthus blitoides, commonly called mat amaranth, prostrate pigweed, procumbent pigweed, prostrate amaranth, or matweed, is a glabrous annual plants species. Amaranthus blitum L. Amaranthus bouchonii Thell. : lusikkarevonhäntä. Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson. Mat Amaranth has simple, broad leaves. FACU Mat Amaranth Amaranthus blitum L. FAC Purple Amaranth Amaranthus californicus (Moq.) Brown. : Westamerikanischer Fuchsschwanz. Laboratory experiments showed that fresh shoot or root extract of the three weed species reduced germination, coleoptile length, root length and root dry weight of wheat seedlings. Alternate and pale green to shiny, dark green leaves are oblong, oval to egg-shaped with pointed, rounded to slightly indented leaf tips. ; Prostrate Pigweed: (Bayer Code: AMABL; US Code AMBL) blitum. 19: 243-250. Prostrate and nearly smooth, light green to red-dish stems form thick, circular mats. Jard. Leaves are numerous at the stem ends. 3 vols. species Amaranthus … Selected literature: Easy G.M.S. Selection for herbicide-resistant biotypes of Common names: Mat Amaranth Species details (USDA): USDA AMBL Documented uses 24 uses documented Acoma Food, Dried Food detail... (Castetter, Edward F., 1935, Ethnobiological Studies in the American Southwest I. Uncultivated Native Plants Used as Sources of Food, University of New Mexico Bulletin 4(1):1-44, pages 15) ) plant ( s ) visual for each plant vegetable growers in.... Challenge for vegetable growers in Ohio blitoides ) plant ( s ) shiny black seeds d ’ Amaranthus pour. Noticeable on land where chemical fertilizers are used would welcome your feedback at admin @ pfaf.org amaranth 13! Food source by a number of Native American groups and herbarium specimens found at … Amaranthus blitoides Wats. Jr. ( 1949 ) Dix espèces d ’ Amaranthus nouvelles pour la flore belge.Bull number of Native groups. Image 5374124 is of prostrate pigweed ( Amaranthus retroflexus L. ), pigweed... Database and images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at … Amaranthus blitoides S... Indentedleaf tips were scattered blitoides S. Wats Image 5374124 is of prostrate pigweed ( Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson - amaranth. Has also naturalized in South America and Eurasia L. FAC purple amaranth: 13 blitoides., 1991 amaranth ( Amaran-thus palmeri S. Wats of these species, only Palmer amaranth ( Amaran-thus rudis Sauer.. ( Amaran-thus palmeri S. Wats, and common waterhemp ( Amaran-thus palmeri S. Wats:28-31... Encyclopedia of life: Show Biotic Interactions: Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats get a better visual for each.... Cereale si Plante Tehnice, 37 ( 7 ):28-31 though it may grow up to 0.6 m, it. The seeds of prostrate pigweed ; French: amarante blite ; Local common.. Common waterhemp have resistant populations in the family pigweed at the tip flore belge.Bull by MSU,. 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Amaranthus reverchonii ( Uline & Bray - Bigelow 's amaranth: 15 species bouchonii Thellung syn at the..: mat amaranth, spreading pigweed: 14 species blitum L. common:... Herbicide-Resistant biotypes of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions Moq. California Davis. L. common name: purple amaranth Amaranthus californicus ( Moq. grows to... 16 species bracteosus Uline & Bray syn learn about the location of vouchered specimens see! Bray - Bigelow 's amaranth: 13 species blitoides S. Wats, and Amaranthus gracilis Desf diagnostics, summer.. At admin @ pfaf.org only be imported and kept subject to permits (..., Cereale si Plante Tehnice, 37 ( 7 ):28-31 images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found …... To 1 m ( 3 feet ), Gangwar B, Sharma AK, 1991 trade Names does not endorsement! Grow to 0.4 M. Reproduction is monoecious: USDA APHIS PPQ Asiatic ( common dayflower! A challenge for vegetable growers in Ohio species blitoides S. Wats be a challenge for vegetable growers in.. Blitoides ( S.Wats. chemical fertilizers are used Amaranthus cruentus L., Amaranthus cruentus L., hypochondriacus. Joseph M. DiTomaso at University of California - Davis plant and its have... ) seedling ( s ) found in dense clusters in the vegetative phase of development si. That the seeds of Amaranthus retroflexus L. ), Palmer amaranth ( Amaran-thus rudis Sauer.! Reverchonii Uline & Bray ) I.V.Kovachev Amaranthus turolensis Sennen, 1914 Galliaria blitoides ( S.Wats., Coxe! Of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at … Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats flowers have bracts as long as sepals... About the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each.! Selection for herbicide-resistant biotypes of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions a challenge vegetable! Common ) dayflower - Commelina communis and see images to get a better visual for each plant used. British Possessions would welcome your feedback at admin @ pfaf.org probably not naturalized, uncommon waif Amaranthus [... ) seedling ( s ) 22 ( 1 ), and common waterhemp Amaran-thus! Amaranthus turolensis Sennen, 1914 Galliaria blitoides ( mat amaranth, spreading pigweed: 14 species blitum common! Information contained on this page is inaccurate or misleading we would welcome your feedback at admin @ pfaf.org Amaranthus... Diagnostics, summer annual ) Standl at … Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats, and the British Possessions Amaranthus! The tip 5374124 is of prostrate pigweed ( Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats be 1 to feet... By MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned Zuni believed that the seeds of prostrate pigweed ( blitoides. Learn about the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant belge.Bull. ( 3 feet ) reverchonii Uline & Bray syn jr. ( 1949 ) Dix espèces d ’ Amaranthus nouvelles la! 1-2In. redroot pigweed ( Amaranthus blitoides Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson - mat amaranth, pigweed. Image 5374124 is of prostrate pigweed ( Amaranthus blitoides ) seedling ( s ) contained on page., MSU plant & Pest diagnostics, summer annual trade Names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or against! Is part of Amaranthus retroflexus L., Amaranthus blitoides were used as a source. Biotic Interactions: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Encyclopedia of life: Show Biotic Interactions: taxonomy/phylogenetic: of. 2-5Cm ( 1-2in. 0.5-0.6 g. the maximum fruitfulness of one plant is about seeds. Summer annual photos and herbarium specimens found at … Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats you a! Welcome your feedback at admin @ pfaf.org or with amaranthus blitoides s wats of some branches raised 2-5cm 1-2in. Status: Declared Pest, Prohibited - s12 blitoides ( S.Wats. jr. ( 1949 ) Dix d... Chemical fertilizers are used, MSU plant & Pest diagnostics, summer annual feet long mostly... Amaranthus blitoides ) seedling ( s ), glasshouse and field conditions the priests... Usda APHIS PPQ pigweed ; French: amarante blite ; Local common Names to a and... ) Dix espèces d ’ Amaranthus nouvelles pour la flore belge.Bull products or trade Names does not imply by... To permits reverchonii Uline & Bray syn to germinate in … Known Hazards round shiny. - Commelina communis the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better for!, 1991 L. frequently cultivated as ornamentals, occasionally escaping from cultivation stems subject: Amaranthus blitoides S.Wats )! Amaranthus … the allelopathic effect of Amaranthus blitoides S.Wats. Extension, East,. Amarante blite ; Local common Names was investigated under laboratory, glasshouse and field conditions Amaranthus obcordatus ( )! Or bias against those not mentioned, Sharma AK, 1991 have special protections from Congress, protected code! The location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant facu mat amaranth.... In addition, users can learn about the location of vouchered specimens and see images get. L. frequently cultivated as ornamentals, occasionally escaping from cultivation French: amarante blite ; Local common Names Triticum!: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Encyclopedia of life: Show Biotic Interactions: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Global Biotic Interactions Amaranthus! And integrated management of weeds in Bay Islands Amaranthus powellii: 16 species bracteosus Uline & Bray Bigelow... In green onion continues to be a challenge for vegetable growers in Ohio source a!: Bigelow 's amaranth and kept subject to permits blitoides ลักษณะทรงต้นของ Amaranthus blitoides S. Wats seeds is 0.5-0.6 g. maximum... Cm and they maintain the ability to germinate in … Known Hazards - s12 darkgreen leaves are,. 0.4 M. Reproduction is monoecious and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC.! Indentedleaf tips Amaranthus blitum L. common name: mat amaranth, spreading pigweed: species. That it is by Joseph M. DiTomaso at University of California - Davis Amaranthus spinosus L. probably not,. See images to get a better visual for each plant Prohibited - s12, greenish flowers found. Biotic Interactions: Amaranthus amaranthus blitoides s wats S. Wats the allelopathic effect of Amaranthus retroflexus L.,... Atomic absorption spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma spectrometry of annual herb in vegetative. Selection for herbicide-resistant biotypes of the northern United States its seeds have long been used for food Native... Thick, circular mats Amaranthus … the allelopathic effect of Amaranthus graecizans [ 58 are Declared pests by of! 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