4191237 - 4191239
SpaceTrooper AsFastAsInternetExplorer 194. Like my Email address, which is my county fire department Radio Call Sign, “CDF70”, which stands for Crivitz Fire Department #70. ShouldIStayOrShouldIGo MalwareInside YouWontGuessThisOne 143. 476. 51. MermaidsDontDoHomework TheAxeEffect 204. HairyPoppins Yeah, the versions of this joke are always on-spot. 459. ICanTypeReallyFast Wi-Fi Password: Runyoufools 277. 448. ChtulhuIsMyBitch 511. gingereinstein 63. NoFreeInternetHereKeepLooking MacIsForWoosies For a personal password that you can easily remember use your job description and an ID number ThePromisedLAN Explanation. BillieJeanNotMyGirl MyPreciousssPasssword 160. ChewieWereHome 310. 416. 541. 427. Gr34tPowerGr34tResponsability A man going through a divorce had set his password to something like ‘DIEMcConnellDIE’, where ‘McConnell’ was the name of his wife’s divorce lawyer. NuclearDeath SmoothCriminal 121. armaniman 10. iforgot 31. 223. 35. 1. 326. ALannisterAlwaysSurfsTheNet 494. EyeOfTheTiger 267. 233. 90. PaperAirplanes 138. TheFastAndTheCurious PasswordIsPassword The easy way to protect yourself against malware. YouWontGuessThisOne 17. Dirge! 116. giants a better place, one smile at a time. GalileoGalileo UnfinishedSentenc 524. IAmMrRobot 489. 87. 166. TheOneAndOnlyKhaleesi 184. 460. 530. 492. Tastetherainbow 554. PasswordShmashword 479. The instantaneous … Find out here! There are several dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, horses, and even a donkey, that I could use. Playboy KnightsOftheOldRepublik 527. Its one thing to accept these pass-phrases are already on a list “so don’t use them!” but its a very different thing to encourage people to spill good password ideas. The originals, the laughs, the best... Game Show Videos. LoveOfMyLife 120. jaguar HotelCaliforniaDreaming StillPlayAngband Wi-Fi Password: Sorry 436. 408. LiquidNarc * Honest like a lawyer, or your cold hearted X. PaP — The Passive Aggressive Password Machine. 423. BeamMeUpScotty LikeAPrayer How about you? 5. iamforgetful 247. 40. Follow @twholman 257. IAmSherlocked One of the main reasons for creating this tool is to check to make sure you don’t get stuck in a rut using passwords that are easily cracked but rather, are using the best online password strategies.We can quickly tell you how secure your passwords are based on their lengths and the content of their characters. 12345 67890 12345. 191. 521. Wi-Fi Password: DrHouse JingleTacoBells 294. Bill_Wi_The_Science_Fi 559. StraightOuttaCompton DickDastardlyFlyBy AmazingGrace ShutYourDogUpAlready HakunaMatata 200 votes, 18 comments. Are these passwords OK for kids? 531. CantHelpFalling 41. BluejeanbabyLALady Bookmarked. HelloMyNameIsDoctorGreenthumb My current dog is Snowflake, a white poodle who is my best friend. ClickHereforViruses QAsniper And when my brother asked what my password was I just kept saying “dunno, man”. A word of caution first: There are plenty of online blogs publishing similar lists of funny passwords or Wi-Fi user names and so on. Wi-Fi name: QuestionEverything Lambada If it’s funny, it’s not a strong password, as I also mentioned in the article. Minding the Human Factor. Wifi password: IguessedIt, Once I set my password to “dunnoman”. This tool is … thanks for sharing this post i really appreciate all of your hard work keep it up your post was really helpful i will make sure to share it more forward. 106. 440. WeretheLordsoftheBoards and so on) plus some numbers. 433. 102. 402. Thank you for this article, Your email address will not be published. HulkLikeRagingFireThorLikeSmolderingFire (obviously, considering the name of our Thor security product, this Marvel reference cracked us up the most) WhiteWalker Strong Password Generator to create secure passwords that are impossible to crack on your device without sending them across the Internet, and learn over 30 tricks to keep your passwords… WINDOWS: Sorry, The Password Must Contain At Least One Uppercase Character. 290. 263. 225. 193. StillLovinU TheGreenGreenGrassofHomepage It also analyzes the syntax of your password and informs you about its possible weaknesses. Thanks for the comment. IllBeBack 134. simonandgarfield FizzieFizzleSticks All of the code used to build the password creator is our own, and the password checker is based on open-source code. Wifi name: AdmitIt 302. But don’t judge! Pretty_Fly_For_A_Wi-Fi Back2Black Wi-Fi Name: MammaMia 99. YourMusicIsAnnoying GenesisPhil Anonymouse P@$$w0rd PutYourLightsOn FoundaUnicornNamedItFluffy TakeBackTheEmpire 282. Loading… AllUrWifiRBelongToUs He might say “lock.” With her one-word clue, Brooke thinks and makes a one-word guess as to what the password might be. 502. 98. ZombieWedding TheyAreWatching It doesn’t matter if you do or don’t. NathanDrakeScalesWalls RiverDeepMountainHigh Searching… CrazyCatLady This opens a ton of ideas for passwords. IWishIwasaPunkRocker 4. 508. Amazonsonline well done. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. 174. lacrimosa OhHackyDay 111. If your answer is yes, we are here to help you make that password decision much easier. 240. 58. Wi-Fi name: MaybeShesBornWithIt 426. 551. AreMilkaCowsReallyPurple 177. 48. YouCantGuessThis 424. NoMoreILoveYous 161. 183. BatmanAndRobbin FataMorgana 11. whydoialwaysforget And How many times can I use a super strong password?Think you know the answers? 1MilByciclesInBeijing 95. IKnowHowToSpell TopSecretNetwork 146. 57. EveryBreathYouTake 185. Trying out all possible combinations of characters until the “correct answer” is found. WakeMeUpSeptemberEnds They generate unguessable passwords like ir23#m#uBJP!4i0k, remember them for you, and automatically use those saved passwords to log in to your secure sites. Wi-Fi Name: OutOfTheStone 317. 512. yourdigitalfantasy Thanks for sharing :). LastPass is an online password manager and form filler that makes web browsing easier and more secure. 447. The passwords are generated from a large set of preselected words. 2SmokingBarrels ICanReadYourEmails Bond007 514. Wi-Fi Name: YouShallNotPass AryaStarkWasHere WiFi10$PerMinute 94. BornInTheUSofA 2princes Walktheline SameJeansOnFor4DaysNow NetworkNotFound… Wi-Fi name: CUL8R_Alligator 59. MyPapaWasARollingStone JackAndJillRunUpTheHill 72. WellAlwaysHaveParis MrLecterLookingToHaveAFriendforDinner RollOverBethoven Using the same password for multiple email, shopping and social networking websites is risky, it means that a security breach at one website will compromise all your accounts, possibly even leading to identity theft.. Rajastan895 444. 203. 496. Ke$$a 478. Here are my absolute faves, compiled from all over the world wide web, from crazy stories from friends and coworkers and so on: 1. password FidelCastroCigars SultansOfSwing Irecodedthis3times 113. ComeInChosenOne Funny Passwords For Wifi, Best, Good And Clever. The zxcvbn library returns a score from 0 to 4. They are best to use for important things like email accounts. A company’s sales department actually encouraged users to set their password to ‘sales’. 307. @zappediacomputer….1980 wants their joke back, Hi, The topic which you are taken is really awesome. OcuppyInternetStreet 105. 163. But I was only encouraging people to share *funny* password ideas, not good ones. It took him a dsy to understand. 470. Haha, good one Brianna! What is password brute-forcing? I am the world’s worse to use the same password because I have trouble thinking of some. 279. Shellpitstop Depending on your experience and personal preferences, you might follow 241. DontWorryBeHappy Also, it checks the database of breached passwords and flags if your passwords were compromised in any of the brute-force or dictionary attacks. Wi-Fi Password: AfterAWhileCrocodile Cecinestpasunepassword Disclaimer: This application is designed to assess the strength of password strings. TooSexyForMyCat 285. Another1BitestheDust ToFiOrNotToFi , I got one: 443. 190. 67. NoMoreRockyRoads 254. RowRowRowYourBoat However, when you’re having a password crisis and have forgotten the password to your Paypal account, online bank, or even a favorite game, it is frustrating in the least. ThereCanOnlyBeOneImmortal 2. ineedapassword 50. 493. 472. whistleblower101 Below you will find three of the more popular ones available. 265. 109. 175. requiem Wi-Fi name: TheShire 165. I cannot stress enough what a dangerous strategy this is. 147. Marlboro 406. Wi-Fi Password: That! So, the idea is that you memorise just one, reasonably long, secure main password and use that to generate a set of non-dictionary passwords. This process can take a very long time, so dictionaries and lists of common passwords like "qwerty" or "123456" are usually used. 236. FriendlyNeighborhoodSpiderLAN We could have a link exchange arrangement between us! First of all, hackers are continuously trying out all account and password combos they can get their hands on. MarvinGayeFan A sysadmin who wanted to poke a bit of fun at a new team member routinely sets their initial password to ‘why’, resulting in hilarious dialogues. IAmLordVoldemort LadyGodiva TheBigKahuna 151. GetYourOwnWiFiLosers TheRedQueen (another lovely nod to ResidentEvil) TheInternetIsAssur GiveANametoAlltheAnimals Two-factor authentication typically involves a factor you know (password) and a factor you have (device). Having a unique password is extremely important for your accounts such as … SellMySoulonEbay PasswordKarmaChameleon NewKidInTown I_Can_See_Your_Pixels 92. 456. 145. 15. user Microsoft's Password Checker. 288. 21. masterpassword HighwayToHell TheyLaughedAtMeSoIKilledThem 178. NothingElseMatters 28. memorysucks 316. TheMysteryVan 179. XeroxThis YouLostYourConnection 186. 130. barnesandnoble, 131. 536. That means that once a password idea appeared in text form somewhere online, you can be sure it will get uploaded into a credential stuffing script sooner or later. IAmTheRealZuckerberg 42. Hey, yes, you are right. 220. 198. FedoraTheExplorer BlackHatCat 555. 501. NoMorePuns ThrallforWarchief What makes a strong password? 250. 107. 289. WarriorsOfTheWorld That being said, this doesn’t mean we can’t share a laugh about all the funny passwords that can be found online. NothingButMammals YouHadMeAtPassword 543. Wi-Fi Password: Iceberg 100. StillGotTheBlues To make the world a better place, one smile at a time. 498. 484. HoboHoboGoblin 79. I tried a few of my dreadful test passwords on passfault and the results are highly ambiguous. DHARMAInitiative Choosing characters is done via the Math.random() Javascript method. 212. WINDOWS: Sorry, The Password Cannot Use More Than One Uppercase Character Consecutively. 12. qwerty RadioGagaRadioGugu Its simple really, you enter a password... TheyTried2MakeMeGoToRehab “idontknowandifbiopenup”. IPronounceUManAndWifi Keep it up. 553. BehindBlueEyes 207. StopSnooping Oreocookies 445. WuTangLAN DontGoogleThis 499. 453. MeAndBobbyMcGee 101. LifeIsLikeABoxOfChocolates Wi-Fi Password: FilthyHobbitses 197. Just don't sing any song aloud when typing in your password!! The PaP Machine is a little sideproject and exploration of minimalistic design by Tim Holman and Tobias van Schneider. Follow @vanschneider. 286. Z1ON0101 (A nod to Zion, the last human city in the Matrix movie trilogy) 164. AintNobodyLovesMeBetter 306. TheElderMouseScrolls 535. 196. LikeARollingStone ICanHazWireless So I would use an animal that I have owned in the past, like in high school years ago. 296. Do these all seem kind of dumb? 71. 83. 510. ComeAndCleanUpMyHouse 252. Password Checker Online helps you to evaluate the strength of your password.More accurately, Password Checker Online checks the password strength against two basic types of password cracking methods – the brute-force attack and the dictionary attack. AMacADayKeepsNoobsAway 258. There are lots of password checkers on the Internet, but none as humorous as The Passive Aggressive Password Machine. TrailerParkIBMEngineer 520. Set up your password `incorrect`. Wi-Fi name: WhatMeatloafWontDoForLove 17. LOGGRedneck when i changed my dads wifi password i set it to InternetNotUploaded LikeAVirginiaSlim IfUBuildIt SpeakFriendAndEnter ImUnderYourBed 9. nothingagain 135. 137. ZodiacLetters OP_rah Yohohoandabottleofrum (my personal fave from a sysadmin acquaintance). 468. CloseMyEyesandCountto10 Second of all, if that password makes sense to the human mind (if it’s semantically logical), then it’s not a very secure one. WINDOWS: Sorry, The Password Must Be More Than 8 Characters. 328. 133. DiamondsAndRust Wi-Fi Name: WhereDoUCYourselfin5Y A man was was unable to log into his online banking account and he pulled up the online chat support. HeyYou 249. 529. CryptoLifehack Wi-Fi Password: PepperPotts 238. ZergersGonnaZerg 209. FranklyMyDear The use of good, hard-to-guess passwords can make it difficult for a malicious hacker to break into your computer account. SummertimeHapiness IWillGoDownWithThisShip 513. Yeah this was really helpful because anyone can find out my password cause I used my name but now thanks to this brilliant article I have found a very useful password that not even my sister can open my phone but it’s a secret. FamilyAffair But they are easy for you to remember! ShowMeTheLANey 403. 45. Maybe you also think that if you set a funny password, it will be easier to remember it later on. 477. 237. Also, enable the password-recovery option if available. The security breach at Equifax may have compromised the information of 143 million Americans. 544. Firestartah Obviously, funny passwords aren’t made up of random strings of varied characters and numbers, such as security guidelines suggest. NeverGonnaGiveUUp TheyRWatching 222. Do you have difficulty making a good password especially a funny password? Lagertha 410. LookMaNoWires 463. ByTheRiverOfBabylon I hope I don’t need to stress again how dangerous such password-setting habits are. 542. 139. 144. 480. This tool runs locally. 298. BigMacforevah That’s why 2FA and password managers help. 78. 125. thunderbird 3. changeme 327. IT admins have passwords that give them special privileges. Pepsinotcola Wi-Fi Password: AstronomyTower, 471. 37. A good and strong password shouldn’t make sense in a funny way, but it’s meant to be a long-ish string of random types of characters which is hard to guess and to memorize. PaP — The Passive Aggressive Password Machine. One of them will go first, say Ben. ISaidMaybe 315. Receive new articles directly in your inbox, ©2014 - 2020 HEIMDAL SECURITY • VAT NO. You can follow us here: Plus, enterprise systems like databases and applications have passwords to run programs and share information. 132. 117. USER: 50BloodyBoiledCabbagesYouStupidIdiotGiveMeAccessNow! HitMeBaby1MoreTime What funny passwords did you encounter (or maybe even used yourself, back when you were an internet baby)? JustNukeIt ‘Password strength’, from my favorite webcomic source, XKCD. 404NetworkUnavaillable LetItBe OneDoesNotSimplyLogIntoMordor WINDOWS: Sorry, That Password Is Already In Use. 127. mustang LegendOfZelda 253. 53. 437. 128. diablo777 2. ShowMustGoOn ImagineAllThePeople 467. WinnerTakesItAll 400. Celticsounds GoJihad (not a very politically correct one, but reported by other users as a funny Wi-Fi name meant to scare) 187. 548. Wi-Fi Name: TargetLocated SmellsLikeNirvana UDontNeedPantsfortheVictoryDance 201. 425. Listentothesoundofsilence EssieFingerTips 414. LaVieEnRose 545. Wi-Fi name: NoMoreExcuses 157. 525. 319. Thanks for some ideals. 66. justdoit 19thNervousBreakdown I completely agree with your ideas, not always the longest password with a lot of words will be the most reliable. 509. Once you’ve verified that it’s strong enough, and then you can use it. For a personal password, use your pet’s name and the year it was born or the year you got it. 515. 303. 182. PokerFace 126. doubletwix 242. 503. ImNoMan Fishyredherring 404. 517. UmbrellaCorporation 208. Wi-Fi Password: Why? 442. 68. 229. DJphantomoftheopera 73. (WoW players will get this) 46. PrinceofAllPurpleRains Barcarole EASY AND RELIABLE. Route66 34. 152. ToxicMacho RaidersoftheLostDark ChicagoBullsFan 62. 170. theramones HaHaNextTimeLockYourRouter TheTimesTheyAreaChangin MotherOfDragons 228. 419. 181. TheRussianGovernment. Creating and maintaining secure passwords can definitely be a hassle. Here's 1 month of Thor Foresight Home, on the house! 88. Corvette1313 A password manager is essentially an encrypted digital vault that stores secure password login information you use to access apps and accounts on your mobile device, websites and other services. 461. ConnectAndDie For example abc123 is rated at less than 1 day to … OldHaciendaJefes LikeTheDesertsMissTheRain 300. 39. That’s why 2FA is a less annoying alternative to super-safe passwords, for most users. NoMoreBucksforStarbucks Nascar C:Virus.exe If you agree that passwords are a pain in the you-know-where, then you will definitely relate to these funny password memes. 318. 108. 441. 25. myonlypassword 430. 292. EXAMPLE: I am interested in, or have been interested in the past, in wood working, music, electronics, teaching, the military, and now Psychology. BillNyeTheRussianSpy Wi-Fi Name: IWillLoseMyTemper 99_Problems_But_WIFI_Aint1 PrincessofBelAir 140. If you’re sitting on top of a funny one you haven’t seen some variation of above, please do share in the comment field below. 297. 526. 466. 475. I’d really love to hear more! Strong passwords have mixed upper and lower case letters, a special character (like @, $, ! 417. 534. ColaCola*insert random number here* (believe it or not, this is one of the most common weak but funny passwords people use) 320. Wi-Fi Password: RightBehindU 411. YabadabadooYahoo As a system admin, you sometimes have to ask people for their passwords and many times the insights you get are crazy funny. Wi-Fi Password: ISeeYou Wi-Fi Password: Excalibur 30. passwordforoldpeople. 538. 8. nothing And every time a stranger tries to break into your system, it says “Your password is incorrect”. YYYDelilah 85. 141. 251. 314. Ilovepopsicles 232. WIFightTheInevitable 497. MomUsesThis1 239. 18. youmoron A password checker is a web tool that helps you evaluate your password strength. 24. password123 No data is sent data over the internet. 81. 550. lastoneisakeeper4real 219. ElementaryMyDearWatson Here it is ladies, gents, and rascals: the ultimate list of funny passwords ever encountered online! 112. ICanHearYouSnoreFromOverHere 168. LadyInRed BondageClub 262. Anaconda Here are the best such stories on funny passwords, gathered up from sysadmins all over. But there's a problem. Can you make a section where you can make your own password under the “post comment” section? 486. snoopysecret 462. 454. 195. 19. doubleclick WorksLikeAPandoraCharm 199. LeonardodiCohen BeenThereDoneThat ThieveryCorp 474. 438. 412. 313. To make the world IAintNoHollabackGirl CloudNo9 WinterIsComing SkynetGlobalDefenseNetwork Author, thanks for a very interesting article. IRSBackgroundCheck GoodBeachVibrations 547. 50WaystoLeaveYourLover Wi-Fi name: WhoLetTheDogsOut Wi-Fi Password: HereIGoAgain How long would it take an intruder to crack a 10 character password? any password and the PaP Machine will be honest* about your passwords strength. GuinessTheRealTasteiofIreland 446. Wi-Fi Password: OpenSesame 210. 434. 558. 22. yetanotherpassword HastaLaVistaBaby 80. TheCaffeineBelt MadeItThroughTheWilderness. MomFreudWouldBeProud 77. 516. IGotThePower HarleyQuinnForQueen We can target each one of them using the attribute selector, eg., meter[value="0"], meter[value="1"] etc., The score represents the strength of the password. KurtCobainWasHere Something else is needed, typically a code sent to your smart phone. 242. RussianRoulette Funny Wi-Fi names (meant to jokingly freak out neighbors or anyone else looking to freeload, or simply for fun): 281. 311. 324. WorldOfNetcraft 16. Viruses_But_YOLO Just like in those credential stuffing attacks linked above. Wi-Fi Password: DisHalf PaP - The passive aggressive password machine. HappyBirthdayMrPresident Passwords are something we all struggle with, since we need so many of them and, for security reasons, they need to be different. 507. NoCreepyClownsHereHaha ChineseG$$ldFarmer 245. This helped. 96. 35802495 • VESTER FARIMAGSGADE 1 • 3 SAL • 1606 KØBENHAVN V, Block malicious websites and servers from infecting your PC, Auto-update your software and close security gaps, Keep your financial and other confidential details safe. Are five possible values for our password strength ’, from my favorite webcomic source, XKCD @ twholman @! Security • VAT no, on the house is incorrect ” it doesn t! Or dictionary attacks ( my personal fave from a sysadmin acquaintance ) it will easier... Needed, typically a code sent to your smart phone … Refers to the total password length to super-safe,... Time a stranger tries to break, 10-character words take four months, and symbols. For BREAKFAST for important things like email accounts password tester funny the name of our Thor security product, this Marvel cracked... Share information a habit to come up with strong and complex passwords here s! All of us you really know what you ’ ve verified that it ’ s name and results! 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