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Let’s remind ourselves of the current state of our code: Applying the two suggested edits (from above) to our function results in the IDLE edit window looking like this (note: we’ve updated our docstring, too, which is always a good idea): Be sure to save your file after each code change, before pressing F5 to take the new version of your function for a spin. for doing it. Keep these points in mind: It’s OK not to use them. This is an easy change to make. These are: This is the folder that the interpreter thinks you are currently working in. Granted, doing something like that does sound tempting, but ultimately won’t work, as you can’t use paths in this way with Python’s import statement. All we need to do is drop the call to bool: We can further reduce the last two lines of code in the above version of our function to one line by removing the unnecessary use of the found variable. and effort. To learn more about what’s on offer, visit the PyPI site at: https://pypi.python.org/pypi. How can this be? Let’s pause and take a brief look at True and False before getting back to our discussion of return. On to Step 3, which is to write the code for the function in such a way as to remove the need for the vowels variable. (*woof* *woof*). to use no or very few class definitions, class inheritance, or any other mechanisms that are specific to object-oriented programming languages. One such tool is pytest, which is a testing framework that is primarily designed to make the testing of Python programs easier. If we could arrange to set the default to aeiou, we’d then be able to apply a global search-and-replace (which is an easy edit). modularity makes it easier for you to work on sections of your larger Before jumping into Chapter 5, let’s take a little detour and look at one tool that can help you stay on the right side of PEP 8 compliance. https://doi.org/10.46430/phen0002. Read PEP8, the python style guide!. You’re going to Which character you use to enclose your strings is up to you, although using the single quote character is very popular with the majority of Python programmers. Note that indentation is very important in Python. The last issue (at the start of line 7) is this: There is a PEP 8 guideline that offers this advice for creating functions in a module: Surround top-level function and class definitions with two blank lines. Which leads to another question: how do we view the annotations without reading the function’s code? The PEP 8 documentation states that readability counts, and that code is read much more often than it is written. In this case each time we have called the function The engine, in So, even though search4letters is “short,” it’s still a good idea to abstract this type of complexity inside a function. In these case you need Python File Operation. The setup function accepts a large number of arguments, many of which are optional. The second line contains the code Before we get to turning some of our existing code into a function, let’s spend a moment looking at the anatomy of any function in Python. As each task is discussed, be sure to edit your vsearch.py file to reflect the presented changes. Let’s now return to enhancing the search4vowels function to accept arguments. But don’t worry: it is not important that you know how this searching mechanism works. Doing this makes this folder the current working directory. This site exists to allow all manner of Python programmers to share all manner of third-party Python modules. The Python Shell will restart and the >>> prompt will be waiting for you to do something. But, Python's efficiency doesn't just come from its lack of a compiler dependency. We are going to work through these four tasks together. Each record would be an individual employee and each […] Be sure you’ve saved your code as “vsearch.py” after copying the function’s code from the shell. There’s an easy fix: add a single space character after the colon. This would allow us to look for any set of letters, not just the five vowels. To help resolve this, let’s experiment at the >>> prompt in an attempt to see who is right: “by value” Tom, or “by reference” Sarah. With the amendments made to the Python code in vsearch.py, the file’s contents now look like this: When this version of the code is run through pytest’s pep8 plug-in, the output confirms we no longer have any issues with PEP 8 compliance. As the search4vowels function (currently) takes no arguments, we can invoke it with an empty argument list, like so: Invoking the function again runs it again: There are no surprises here: invoking the function executes its code. This also makes your code more maintainable, as if you come up with a more efficient way to count primes, all you do is change the code in next_prime.. To do this we can add a second argument to the function that specifies the letters to search phrase for. Here’s the above interaction with the interpreter from within the mymodules folder on OS X: If you think running on a non-Windows platform will somehow fix this import issue we saw on that platform, think again: the same ImportError occurs on UNIX-like systems, once we change to another folder: As was the case when we were working on Windows, the vsearch.py file is no longer in the interpreter’s current working directory, as we are now working in a folder other than mymodules. Let’s start with a straightforward example of returning a single value from our search4vowels function. The Programming Historian (ISSN: 2397-2068) is released under a CC-BY license. If the variable in the function’s suite is changed, the value in the code that called the function changes, too. However, nothing appears on screen. You will often find that you want to re-use a particular set of After this you can then call the exit() method to stop the program running. before moving on. Python functions store logical steps that can be reused. Python is flexible and can work on available operating systems e.g Mac, Windows and Linux. For now, though, let’s use pip to install the pytest testing framework and the pep8 plug-in. For more details on annotations, see PEP 3107 at https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3107/. (There’s not much to it, but the details are beyond the scope of this book.). Starting with a simple example ensures we have the basics in place first, before moving on. If you are running any version of Windows, open up a command prompt and follow along with this session. Even though sets are enclosed in curly braces, so too are dictionaries. Take a look at the new line of code in search4letters, which does the same job as the two lines in search4vowels: If that single line of code in search4letters has you scratching your head, don’t despair. It's completely free (and doesn't even have any advertisements). In our code, the search4vowels and search4letters functions are both at the “top level” of the vsearch.py file, and are separated from each other by a single blank line. Here’s the module in an IDLE edit window: As soon as Tom sees this module on screen, he sits down, takes control of the keyboard, presses F5, and then types the following into IDLE’s >>> prompt. Our documentation needs be updated to reflect what the new function does. If the value changes in the function’s suite, it has no effect on the value of the variable in the code that called the function. Let’s add some documentation to the top of our function. Python is a general purpose-interpreted, high-level, and object-oriented programming language. As programs become larger, We use the built-in function input() to take the input. At the bottom of the file, type def followed by the name of your new function: For Step 2 we’re completing the function’s def line by adding in the names of the two required arguments, phrase and letters. This is an installable file that contains the source code for your module and, in this case, is called vsearch-1.0.tar.gz. We are deliberately starting off with a straightforward example, and we’ll get to more involved examples as this chapter progresses. You don’t have to comply, only consider, and we like the name search4vowels. You will learn more about this as we go It’s the same Python interpreter, after all. How to Write a Hello World Program in Python. function name. You do this by creating functions, which you can think of as named chunks of code. Q: Can’t we be location specific and say something like import C:\mymodules\vsearch on Windows platforms, or perhaps import/mymodules/vsearch on UNIX-like systems? A large number of messages appear on screen (which we show here in an abridged form): When the Windows command prompt reappears, your three files have been combined into a single distribution file. The use of the name vowels in the function’s suite no longer makes any sense, as we are now looking for a user-specified set of letters. You should try to ensure your code does too. On Windows, you invoke Python 3 using the py -3 command. Being able to remove a single dysfunctional module can save time If all went well, you should see Take a moment to read the messages shown here (or on your screen, if you are following along). “greetEntity”. to define (“def”) a function, which in this case we have named Understand the output. Python Read File, Python Write File, Python Open File, Python Close File, ... if you have to reuse the output of your program, you can save that in a file. Step 1 requires us to create (at a minimum) two descriptive files for our module: setup.py and README.txt. If we later decide to update any of the module’s code, we can repeat these three steps to install any update into site-packages. You will also notice that whereas before we were able to run the In the example screens that follow, we are showing the messages that appear when you are running on the Windows platform. You create a function using the def keyword (which is short for define). Try this now to see what we mean: press F5. If we follow the three steps shown at the bottom of the last page, we’ll end up creating a distribution package for our module. checked for compliance to the PEP 8 guidelines: Earlier in this chapter, you used the pip tool to install your vsearch.py module into the Python interpreter on your computer. But not with Python alone, as the Python interpreter does not provide any way to check code for PEP 8 compliance. However, adding or removing modules to your site-packages locations is positively encouraged, so much so that Python comes with some tools to make it straightforward. Which raises another question: how are modules created in Python? This project is administered by ProgHist Limited, Company Number 12192946. However, the last response looks a little weird, doesn’t it? still smaller and more basic modules. A decision has been made to retire search4vowels and replace it with search4letters, as the “powers that be” don’t see the need for both functions, now that search4letters can do what search4vowels does. function calls, leaving only the function declaration. It looks more complex than it is. This tutorial covers the following topic – Python Write File/Read File. O’Reilly members experience live online training, plus books, videos, and digital content from 200+ publishers. Python’s triple-quoted strings can be used to add multiline comments to a function. Step 1 involves creating a new function, which we’ll call search4letters. So, let’s do that before continuing. It starts when the value of the letters argument is turned into a set: This call to the set BIF creates a set object from the characters in the letters variable. Consider now what this means for our data. The last thing you’ll want to do is copy and paste this code everywhere it’s needed...so, to keep things manageable and to ensure you only need to maintain one copy of this code, let’s create a function. Reply. something is done within the module that does it. Here’s our current function, which returns a boolean value (i.e., one thing): It’s a trivial edit to have the function return multiple values (in one set) as opposed to a boolean. Namely, we’ve changed the name of the word variable to the more appropriate phrase: The other suggestion from the bottom of the last page was to allow users to specify the set of letters to search for, as opposed to always using the five vowels. And let’s not forget to annotate letters, too. Functions are designed to return a single value, but it is sometimes necessary to return more than one value. Flip the page when you’re ready. Create a new, empty IDLE edit window, then copy the function’s code from the >>> prompt (being sure not to copy the >>> characters), and paste it into the edit window. The def keyword names the function (shown in blue), and details any arguments the function may have. What annotations do for programmers using your function is rid them of the need to read your function’s code to learn what types are expected by, and returned from, your function. Docstrings have an interesting characteristic in that they can span multiple lines (other programming languages use the name “heredoc” for the same concept). This is what they’ll have to do if annotations aren’t used. Since, input() returns a string, we convert the string into number using the float() function. 1.2.5. This is a bit of a departure from our function’s existing functionality, but bear with us, as we are going to build up to something more complex (and useful) in a bit. This means our module file can’t be found, which in turn means we can’t import it—hence the ImportError from the interpreter. All you need to do here is get a feel for what functions look like in Python, as described on this and the next page. This is known as keyword assignment. over. © 2020, O’Reilly Media, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing on oreilly.com are the property of their respective owners. Now In Python, it is also possible to refer to arguments by their argument name, and when you do, positional ordering no longer applies. I told you it’s call-by-value.” Take a look at Tom’s shell interactions with his function: Undeterred by Tom’s apparent slam-dunk, Sarah sits down and takes control of the keyboard in preparation for interacting with the shell. If possible, use single quotes. Regardless of the operating system you’re using, you’ll issue the same command (as only the installation instructions differ on each platform). However, unlike Java, Python does not impose object-oriented programming as the main programming paradigm. All of the “failures” appear to refer—in some way—to whitespace (for instance, spaces, tabs, newlines, and the like). need to know how something is accomplished if they are not responsible Function annotations can be used to document the type of your function’s arguments, as well as its return type. Rather than continuing to adjust search4vowels, let’s create a new function called search4letters, which is a name that better reflects the new function’s purpose. It is perfectly viable for a Python project to not be object-oriented, i.e. Take O’Reilly online learning with you and learn anywhere, anytime on your phone and tablet. University of Western Ontario. Recall the vowels7.py program from the end of the last chapter, which, given a word, prints the vowels contained in that word: Let’s imagine you plan to use these five lines of code many times in a much larger program. To use keywords, assign each string in any order to its correct argument name when invoking the function, as shown here: Both invocations of the search4letters function on this page produce the "Code Reuse and Modularity in Python," Locate your newly created ZIP file under the dist folder (recall that the file is called vsearch-1.0.zip). Take a look at Sarah’s interaction with the shell: Tom’s function clearly shows call-by-value argument semantics, whereas Sarah’s function demonstrates call-by-reference. This function is then Even the most beautifully written docstring will still have to be read if it doesn’t include annotations. In case you need a quick refresher, note that by-value argument passing refers to the practice of using the value of a variable in place of a function’s argument. Let’s take a look at each of them in a little more detail. We wrote our first program, “Hello, World!” in interactive mode. However, if they came across that complex single line of code in a program, they may well scratch their heads and wonder what it does. Our review of the four data structures confirms that the search4vowels function returns a set. Let’s update what you know about functions now that you’ve spent some time exploring how function arguments work: As well as supporting code reuse, functions can hide complexity. Happily, this means that vsearch.py is already a module. what (x) does in the function declaration. "Write a python program to simulate an online store. What’s going on here? We don’t need to assign this set object to a variable, as we are more interested in using the set of letters right away than in storing the set in a variable for later use. A better variable name might be phrase, as it more closely matches what it is we expect to receive from the users of our function. As we have seen on previous tutorials, Python makes use of blocks. Example. That being said, conforming your Python code to PEP 8 is generally a good idea and helps make code more consistent when working on projects with other developers. Let’s explore the ins and outs of module importation over the next few pages. Save the vsearch.py file once more, and then press F5 to try out the search4letters function: The search4letters function is now more generic than search4vowels, in that it takes any set of letters and searches a given phrase for them, rather than just searching for the letters a, e, i, o, and u. In technical terms, a variable is assigning a storage location to a value that is tied to a symbolic name or identifier. Specifically, don’t add or remove your own modules to/from the standard library. Now, if we are asked to retire the search4vowels function and replace all invocations of it within our codebase with search4letters, our exploitation of the default value mechanism for function arguments lets us do so with a simple global search-and-replace. The return statement lets your functions return any number of values (including none). If you ask Python programmers what they like most about Python, they will often cite its high readability. When you do, any ordering is acceptable (as any possibility of ambiguity is removed by the use of keywords and position doesn’t matter anymore). In plain English this means: run the greetEntity Take another look at our function’s code, which currently accepts any value as an argument, searches the supplied value for vowels, and then displays the found vowels on screen: Changing this function to return either True or False, based on whether any vowels were found, is straightforward. When you break a the following in the Komodo Edit output pane: Make sure that you understand the difference between loading a data file Let’s go through this line of code in detail to work out exactly what it does. That is, Tom’s function didn’t change the numbers list in the calling code, even though lists are mutable. case it is only a single line. Code Style¶. Python makes the debugging of code very easy. In Python, there is no need for importing external library to read and write files. Suppose you want to create called setup.py, describes our module in some detail. It’s up to you, really. The alternative is simply to open a text editor, type the code, and save the file with a .py extension. To invoke functions in Python, provide the function name together with values for any arguments the function expects. Join the growing number of people supporting The Programming Historian so we can continue to share knowledge free of charge. You can edit it much more easily there. Code Reuse and Modularity in Python | Programming Historian In script mode, you will write a script and then run it. There should be a minimum of 4 products offered. module…just the program that calls it. This could be as many lines as we need, but in this the program, and you should see something like this: This example contains one function: greetEntity. Install it by running the following command in your terminal: by being able to pinpoint the source of the error. 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