4191237 - 4191239


proc phreg baseline

The PHREG procedure deals exclusively with right-censored data, and it mainly adopts a semiparametric approach by leaving the baseline hazard function unspecified. The default is CLTYPE=LOG. If there are no tied event times, this estimator is the same as the Breslow estimator. suppresses the summary display of the event and censored observation frequencies. specifies the lower pointwise confidence limit for the cumulative hazard function. You can apply Fine and Gray’s method to directly model the cumulative incidence function; alternatively, you can fit Cox proportional hazards models to cause-specific hazard functions. The default is OVERLAY=BYGROUP if the GROUP= option is specified in the BASELINE statement or if the COVARIATES= data set contains the _GROUP_ variable; otherwise the default is OVERLAY=INDIVIDUAL. For a Bayesian analysis, CUMHAZ=_ALL_ also includes LOWERHPDCUMHAZ=LowerHPDCumHaz This option has an effect only when the (start,stop) style of response is used or when there are time-dependent explanatory variables. If the COVARIATES= data set is not and UpperHPDCUMHAZ=UpperHPDCumHaz. Confidence limits adds the estimated covariance matrix of the parameter estimates to the OUTEST= data set. Cox proportional hazards regression in SAS using proc phreg 5.1. limit of the equal-tail credible interval for the cumulative hazard function. USING THE NATIVE PHREG PROCEDURE . variable is not specified. LOWERCUMHAZ=LowerCumHaz, and UPPERCUMHAZ=UpperCumHaz. The SAS procedure PROC PHREG performs regression analysis based on the Cox proportional hazards model and is popular for fitting models on time to event data, such as models with time independent factors, time dependent factors, delayed entry and recurrent events. variable. The data set also contains the convergence status and the log likelihood. specifies the estimated standard error of the cumulative mean function estimator. specifies the estimated standard error of the linear predictor estimator. names a variable in the COVARIATES= data set for identifying the baseline function curves in the plots. option. The value must be between 0 and 1. specifies the lower limit of the HPD interval for the survivor function. specifies the log of the negative log of SURVIVAL requests that, for each Newton-Raphson iteration, PROC PHREG recompile the risk sets corresponding to the event times for the (start,stop) style of response and recomputes the values of the time-dependent variables defined by the programming statements for each observation in the risk sets. names the output BASELINE data set. DATA= option in the PROC PHREG statement is used instead. Optionally, you can specify the keyword AGGREGATE enclosed in parentheses after the COVSANDWICH (or COVS) option, which requests a summing up of the score residuals for each distinct ID pattern in the computation of the robust sandwich covariance estimate. The FH estimator is a tie-breaking modification of the Breslow specifies the standard error of the survivor function estimator. specifies the transformation used to compute the confidence limits for , the survivor function for a subject with a fixed covariate vector at event time t. The CLTYPE= option can take the following values: specifies that the confidence limits for be computed using the normal theory approximation. negative empirical cumulative hazard function. Specifies the cumulative incidence estimate, Specifies the cumulative mean function estimate, Specifies the cumulative hazard function estimate, Specifies the log of the negative log of SURVIVAL, Specifies the lower pointwise confidence limit for CIF, Specifies the lower pointwise confidence limit for CMF, specifies the lower pointwise confidence limit for CUMHAZ, Specifies the lower limit of the HPD interval for CUMHAZ, Specifies the lower limit of the HPD interval for SURVIVAL, Specifies the lower pointwise confidence limit for SURVIVAL, Specifies the estimated standard error of CIF, Specifies the estimated standard error of CMF, Specifies the estimated standard error of CUMHAZ, Specifies the estimated standard error of the linear predictor estimator, Specifies the upper pointwise confidence limit for CIF, Specifies the upper pointwise confidence limit for CMF, Specifies the upper pointwise confidence limit for CUMHAZ, Specifies the upper limit of the HPD interval for CUMHAZ, Specifies the upper limit of the HPD interval for SURVIVAL, Specifies the upper pointwise confidence limit for SURVIVAL, Specifies the estimate of the linear predictor, Specifies the significance level of the confidence interval for the survivor function, Specifies the transformation used to compute the confidence limits, Names a variable whose values are used to identify or group the survival curves, Specifies the method used to compute the survivor function estimates, Specifies the number of normal random samples for CIF confidence limits, Names the variable in the COVARIATES= data set for identifying the baseline functions curves in the plots, Specifies the random number generator seed. limit of the equal-tail credible interval for the cumulative hazard function. This estimator is not available if you use S(t:zJ=[SO

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