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This is not a trick question, and many kinds of answers will do well. If you’ve decided the field you’re studying isn’t necessarily the field you want to work in, you aren’t alone. Workers with a college degree are less likely to face unemployment. can be something of a trap when it comes to interview questions, because your interviewer is asking for a negative answer.If you haven't given the subject some thought, you may accidentally talk yourself out of a job. If you properly filed your fafsa and you can view your SAR when your FAFSA has been processed, can be as long as 3 weeks, can view on Fafsa.gov Why is the SAR important? Answering difficult interview questions can be stressful, but this dos and don'ts snapshot makes it easier for you to decide how to tactfully answer this interview question. 2. Why? There is an opinion that student involvement activities infringe too much on valuable study time. And if you do put on more weight than expected, go for a run or hit the gym. Where do you like to spend your holidays? The sar determines both your EFC and your eligibility for federal and institutional aid, read carefully before submitting Ask Yourself Why You are Going to College. How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years? For example, maybe you’re an Accountant but someday you’d like to be a Team Leader, so you’d like opportunities to improve your leadership. Picking my least favorite is easy: Spanish. so much freedom socially and academically. Like: More freedom (can leave class whenever you want or not show up at all). Find out more from students at Boston University, Claremont McKenna College, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University and more: Want to know more about BU? Find out more from students at Boston University, Claremont McKenna College, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University and more: Want to know more ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Stand out on your Why This College essay. Not trying to make you jealous now, but, for me, high school was a breeze. But remember, you're choosing a college, not a major. Sure, you've learned the basics, like showing up to work on time and working cordially with others--at least I hope you've learned those things. How do you feel about this? Who do you usually spend holiday with? living several thousands of miles from my parents. In this article, we discuss why employers ask about what you liked least about your current job, how you can answer this question when asked by an employer and example answers you can use to increase your chances of getting a positive reception from the hiring manager. Do something that scares you. Lafayette is a small school. For example, you may at first struggle with having to write about very different kinds of topics, using different approaches. Holidays. You’re bound to see familiar, friendly faces everywhere you go. Communicate with you We use information we collect, like your email address, to interact with you directly. My least favorite college subject was math. We break down the best VR headsets for gaming in 2020, including the Oculus Quest 2 and other headsets compatible with Half-Life: Alyx. If you're asked this question—or its close cousins “What was the worst part of your last job?” or "Why didn't you like your last job? I found math, more specifically linear algebra, to be a difficult class for me to participate in and prepare for, but it was a requirement, so I put my nose to the grindstone and completed the course. Do you think your extracurricular activities in college were worth the time you spen not? It's an important question because, of course, you don't have a lot of real work experience or job history under your belt yet. Your professors, who teach hundreds of students per day and sometimes aren't the ones who grade your work, might not even be aware of your existence on Earth by the end of the semester (or ever). An estimated 75 percent of students change their college major at least once before graduation, and only 27 percent of college graduates actually have a job related to their major. Do you feel you did the best scholastic work you were capable of? Hate: It's regimented....Like: It's almost over. I don't get into the big media-marketed "college experience" thing, but I don't feel like I'm missing out. The sooner you map out your transfer plans, the better—ideally, before you even finish high school. Every college has its duds, but there's no reason why you have to get stuck with one. Stand out on your Why This College essay. Chances are, however, that it won't be exactly like you expect. This is a simple question, but the answer rarely is. Give me an example of how you supported what you liked or tried to change what you didn’t like in your last job. So, out of curiosity, I've started reading stuff about how is life as a College Student, how should I be preparing myself, blah blah blah. In high school it always drove me nuts having teachers pestering me so I like the anonymity in college. Once I got rolling on my path to becoming an elementary school teacher, it was hard to study for a French exam knowing I had projects to work on that were not only essential to complete my major requirements but were also a lot more appealing to me. That's a BIG one. Many think that it’s because of the lack of responsibilities and the parties, but it’s much more than that. When you apply for an entry-level position, a typical job interview question is, "Why did you choose your college? In high school, your teachers knew--at the very least -- your name, what you looked like, how you learned, and how you performed academically within the first few weeks of the year. Least? Your college will likely have a facility where you can burn off the unnecessary weight and get your body back into shape. People say college is the best 4 years of your life. People say college is the best 4 years of your life. Why Is College Important? Reinventing yourself, and reinventing yourself, and reinventing yourself again. What do you do when you have a holiday? 6. The college subjects I liked least were the ones that didn't pertain to my major. It will also prepare you with the knowledge and skills you’ll need to progress in your chosen career field. 1. And please forgive me for my English, I know I'm good but I'm not perfect. An answer with keywords from the job description like this one will communicate your motivations for applying and your relevant qualifications. Online Courses Counselors. You want to answer the question this way because listing people that you liked the least can be the same type of people in the company you're interviewing with. Loans ,difficult schedules and dealing with crap proffesors, -Dorm life-Roommates-Meeting my best friend-Lifting weights with my friend and getting strong-Discovering alcohol-Parties-Women-Freedom, -Attitude of ****ates; its about the achievement, not about the learning. Here are 11 things that you should actually expect in college. What you can do: Drop the course and find another one with a better professor. When did you choose your college major? When you transition to talking about what you liked least about your job, list a task or situation exclusive to the role you're in. You, as a College Student, what do you like and dislike about this change in your life? Your professors know more about you than just your name, and they care about how you are doing. 3. Even with the best drawing and painting professors, I was not able to perfect my ability to do either. Here are 18 easy ways to adjust your own college lifestyle and make yourself a happier, healthier person: 1. Anything you can do to demonstrate knowledge of each prospective school and genuine interest will help your admissions cause. ', Tips for Answering Interview Questions About Your Weaknesses, How to Answer Interview Questions About Leaving Your Job, How to Give a Good Answer to "How Did You Pick Your Major? Twenty-nine states have at least one statewide promise program for eligible students, according to a fall 2020 report from College Promise, an advocacy group. But those aren't going to make you stand out. Like: Get to set up your classes and times, everyone is more mature at college, have more freedom. hate: increased workload in terms of assignments, exmas, studying etc. 3. But one of the first solutions came from a music major. I have to study a LOT more than in high school, although I don't know if I should actually include this in dislikes since I like my major and somewhat enjoy studying. About One-on-One. Many jobs want employees to at least have a bachelor’s degree, so they might urge you to go back to school so you can obtain a promotion. Like: Don't need permission to take a &*$# in the middle of class. 3. And, naturally, avoid procrastination later on. Can take classes that I am actually interested in. The best part of it is the tremendous amount of freedom you get. When you obtain a degree, you are required to take a variety of courses that you may not have an interest in. you spend alot of time learning the rubber damn, and never getting exposed to an isolite. The way you respond can completely change the vibe of the interview. Each class is only twice a week, sometimes only one. Having a passion for what you're studying in college and your chosen career is invaluable — even if it can't be measured like your student loans and future earnings. I enjoy research and writing papers (crazy. Why? It requires a lot of hard work, but that work prepares you for a challenging and rewarding career and a more fruitful life. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Another major problem was solved by a philosophy major who had the abstract thinking skills to work with coding "pointers" - how a named thing could stand in for another unseen thing. When you do your least favorite work first, you will increase your confidence and decrease your stress levels. Thread What do you like the most/the least about your university or college? Did you ever change your major? Your academic adviser can direct you toward relevant resources, like a tutoring center or a fellow student who can help you study. College lasts at least four years and if you're at a school you don't like or studying something that you aren't interested in, then the ensuing career opportunities won't make you happy either. What do you like least about working in this industry? Why You're Required to Live on Campus Your First Year of College . Like many of the most common interview questions, a question about why you are interested in the college seems like a no-brainer.After all, if you are interviewing at a school, you have presumably done some research and know why you are interested in the place. "What did you like least about your last job?" If you're considering attending a community college, or if you're curious about the benefits, check out the following reasons why attending one might be a good decision. In addition to reading the job description, be sure to learn about the company you’re interviewing for. Why do you like doing these activities? I also enjoy meeting knew people, which I wasn't able to do as a teen because I was home schooled (medical reasons). Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year … When applying for an entry-level position, you might encounter a job interview question about what college subjects you liked the least and why. 6. I didn’t join any clubs This question is designed to see how you handle yourself—do you make valid, cogent points, or do you inadvertently say something offensive or negative. Understanding why and how you made a major life decision provides a certain level of insight into your priorities and decision-making process. In addition to opening my mind to many new channels, he was also a terrific … 2. Fail quickly. Compared to high school, it’s drastically different, to the point that you worry about not having enough on your schedule sometimes. I was able to play any sport that I wanted, and to make extra spending money by working as an intramural umpire/referee each season. Why or why not? Don't mention a dislike for something that is common at the company that you are interviewing for. Interview question for Program Analyst in Gold River, CA.What do you like least about your current job and why do you want to leave? XD. Think about it: It’s your first semester of college and you’re attempting to adjust to your new schedule, subjects and environment. This part of the question is trickier. That’s right, students tend to struggle more with college algebra than other college math classes. This way, you're shifting the focus away from people in your current company. The easiest way to do this is to use an example from your background and experience. The great Intramural sports program at MIT. Earning your college degree will help you realize your goals in your career as well as life in general. Many think that it’s because of the lack of responsibilities and the parties, but it’s much more than that. Dislike: Commute is about half an hour from my house so that sucks. Whether it's joining a fraternity or sorority or trying out for a play, take healthy risks that draw you out of your schoolwork and let you release creative energy and meet new people. How did you start doing this activity at first? Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year of … Why? Selecting the best college is just as much a process of learning about yourself as it is about prospective schools. Prepare yourself for a challenging workload, and if you feel you're performing below your expectations, ask for help. One of the purposes of this interview question is to find out if you're going to be satisfied in the job for which you're interviewing. I've had some professors that could barely write coherent english. The best part of it is the tremendous amount of freedom you get. Always answer a question like this with the negative first, so that you can end on a positive note. Read our Why This College essay examples and follow our clear guidelines to make sure you avoid potential pitfalls, include essential details in your Why This School essay, and use our tried-and-true research tools. Most high school students don't know what they want to do when they grow up. Another tip: If your debt becomes too burdensome, consider refinancing your student loans. One approach is to pick something that’s universally hated by almost everyone in the industry. Networking. dislike: anytime a bussiness student complains about how hard or how much work they have. Like: Get to set up your classes and times, everyone is more mature at college, have more freedom. Least; Probably the liberal leanings of many college professors who could NEVER make it in the real world. 2. Jobs What have you learned from your high school (college/university) experiences that you see being carried over to your adult today? Dislike: The lack of a social life due to schoolwork and financial woes. 3. So, I would have to say, my least favorite subjects were introduction to drawing and introduction to painting. Here are some things to do if you don’t like your college: Find the source of your discomfort. I don’t know if I’m struggling because my class starts at 8 A.M. four days a week, or if my professor doesn’t facilitate learning, or if I just don’t like Spanish. All he had to do was draw on Nietzsche. But the route to doing that is to first find your passion and what you love to do. With the "What did you like least about your last job?" 2. Your transition to college writing could be even more dramatic. Do you get stressed out, do you get a lot of exams, how are the professors like, do you become depressed and alone, etc etc etc. Some schools require students to live on campus for a specified amount of time, but even if your school doesn’t have this requirement, I strongly encourage you to live on campus anyway, at least for your first year or two. College: your academic wake-up call. It could be due to the fact that most freshmen are taking this course. Sample Interview Answers About Subjects You Disliked, Dos and Don'ts for Answering This Interview Question, Top 12 Entry-Level Interview Questions and Best Answers, How to Answer Interview Questions About College Classes, How to Answer Interview Questions About Your Previous Job, Tips for Answering Interview Questions About Your Education, How to Answer the Interview Question "Describe a Problem at Your Last Job", Best Answers for the Most Common Job Interview Questions, 12 of the Toughest Interview Questions With Answers, Job Interview Question: 'What Do You Hope to Accomplish Here? Which of your university years was the most difficult? Understand that you should be able to earn 10 times the monthly payment amount: If your payments after graduating will be $400 a month, you need to earn at least $4,000 a month out of college. 2. Finishing the largest item on your to-do list will give you the productivity boost you need to do other assignments you may have pushed aside. I also dislike how expensive it is. ‘What did you like most about your job’ and ‘what did you dislike about your job’ (or ‘what do you like least about your job’). When you apply for an entry-level position, a typical job interview question is, "Why did you choose your college?" As an English literature major, all I wanted to do was read the work of great authors and perfect my writing. I haven't enjoyed my time in college very much, but that mostly has to do with life events outside of school. When applying for an entry-level position, you might encounter a job interview question about what college subjects you liked the least and why. Understanding why and how you made a major life decision provides a certain level of insight into your priorities and decision-making process. Students are most likely to stay at a college when they feel like they belong. If so, 4. By asking, the interviewer hopes to find out what makes you tick. "The worst thing somebody can say is, ‘My least favorite part of the job is having to follow the commands of others,' shares Joe Flanagan, Senior Consultant at Velvet Jobs. You could suggest that you’d like to lead a meeting or project to begin, just to build out that skill-set over the long term. some people still live like they're in high school. Intellectually, he had the knack of making you see old material in a totally new way, of making you think in ways you had never considered; he was so good, he made you feel honoured and privileged to attend his class, and at the end of class he always made a point of graciously thanking the students for attending. As you begin to think seriously about college, it will help to understand why you are going to college, the milestones along the way, and what it will be like when you get there. Of course, college will be harder than high school, but that doesn't mean you won't do well. Love: lots of young women around, freedom, cool like minded friends, learning new things, new experiences, new enivrons. question, don't fall into the trap that many interviewees do. If you're doing an interview at all, it's because the college has a holistic admissions policy, and the interviewer is simply trying to get to know you better.College is about much more than academic classes, and the admissions folks want to know how you keep yourself busy when you're not doing schoolwork. Working in this industry say, my least favorite aspect of your life may also to... On valuable study time to learn about the company you ’ ll what do you least like about your college and why unhappy in the middle of class have... When you apply for an entry-level position, beware of complaining to the that. Solutions came from a music major enjoyed my time in college very much,,! Care about how you are concerned about saving money your high school ( )... 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